
英文夜读 | 时光荏苒,切莫丢失那个最珍贵的自己!WYA

英文夜读 | 时光荏苒,切莫丢失那个最珍贵的自己!WYA


By Carlie Hanson

英文夜读 | 时光荏苒,切莫丢失那个最珍贵的自己!WYA

She grew up, always tried to fit in

Hometown started feeling like a prison

So obsessed with everything she isn’t

Brainwashed by a television

Blink of an eye

Time flew by

Everything changed like that

When the lights go off

The music stops

Do you wish someone would ask

Are you happy right now where you’re at, girl?

Do you still get drunk when you’re sad, girl?

Did you finally find love in this mad world?

Is it everything you thought?

Are you happy right now where you’re at, girl?

Did the money go straight to your head, girl?

Did you grow up a little too fast, girl?

'Cause if you did, you can always go back


She survived, made it to the city

A couple friends she would die for already

I wanna tell her that I’m so proud of her

But every time I try to call, she’s busy


You can always go back, back, back, back

You can always go back, my baby

She grew up, don’t know how she did it

I think about it every day I miss her

I really miss her



《新课标》和《英语能力等级量表》的落实对中学生的英语阅读量提出了更高的要求。为此,《学英语》与《环球时报》( 英文版) 精心策划了GlobalReading( 《环球阅读》),力求以地道的英语、敏锐的视角和精准的信息,为同学们献上丰富多彩、视听结合的多模态语篇,帮助同学们提升英语学科核心素养!新学期,新起点,G l o b a l Reading 与你同行、为你加油!



