初中英語動詞被動語態高頻考點-雙賓語,使役動詞 動詞短語


初中英語動詞被動語態高頻考點-雙賓語,使役動詞 動詞短語


She sent me a novel on my birthday.

I was sent a novel on my birthday.

-------She sent a novel to me on my birthday.

--------A novel was sent to me on my birthday.

We are taught English by her.----English is taught to us by her.

同樣類型的:give sb sth/buy sb sth; give sth to sb/ buy sth for sb.


  The boss made him work over twelve hours a day.

He was made to work over twelve hours a day.


  The meeting has been put off.

  有些及物動詞和及物動詞短語(多表示“靜態”)不能用於被動語態,常見的有have, cost, last, hold, fit, agree with等。

  有些不及物動詞以主動形式表示被動意義,常見的有cut, wash, write, sell等。

如: The shirt washes well.


take care of照看 →be taken care of

cut down砍倒 →be cut down

laugh at嘲笑 →be laughed at

look after照料 →be looked after

必背被動語態的動詞短語 ,以下這些短語本身即是被動語態的形式,不需再加“by”。

be covered with 用……覆蓋著

be surprised at 對……感到驚奇

be known to 出名

be interested in 對……感興趣

be made of(from) 用……製造的



  We can repair this watch in two days.

  This watch can be repaired in two days.

  You ought to take it away. It ought to be taken away.

  They should do it at once. It should be done at once.

He is going to make it. It is going to be made(by him).

We can change water into ice.


Water can be changed into ice.


You must not take out any books.


Any books mustn't be taken out by you.

初中英語動詞被動語態高頻考點-雙賓語,使役動詞 動詞短語

