
本文內容,來自Optometric Management of Learning Related Vision Problems 2nd Edition

Mitchell Scheiman OD (Author), Michael W. Rouse OD MS FAAO (Author)

Oculomotor 眼球運動

A clinical evaluation of the oculomotor system usually assesses three types of eye movements: fixation, pursuits, and saccades. Eye movements are essential for effective visual processing.24 For example, the saccadic system shifts the fovea to an area of interest so that detailed information can be processed. Another example of the importance of eye movements for visual processing is reading, in which the individual will make a series of small saccades and short fixation pauses. Investigation of the dynamics of oculomotor skills (e.g., latency) has focused on the infant, and less research has been done to evaluate preschool and school-age children. Investigation of oculomotor skills in school-age children has centered on eye-movement patterns during reading.


Fixations. The newborn's foveal immaturity and poor visual acuity indicate that fixations may be poorer during the first 2 to 3 months of life than during adulthood.25 The central retinal region is probably equally sensitive over a 5-degree area during the first 2 months of lifes3; as a result, a specific central site where fixation preference would be advantageous may not exist during this period. Direct evidence of this supposition is not available because of the uncertainty of measuring the Kappa angle early in life. Newborns, however, will steadily fixate on an object and infrequently shift fixation to another object. The tendency to fixate on new objects increase during the first 3 months of life.26



Pursuit Eye Movements. Pursuit eye movements enable continuous clear vision of moving objects within a stable visual environment.27 These eye movements would appear to be susceptible to postnatal foveal development and the corresponding reduction in visual acuity.27 This may account for the finding that infants under 8 weeks of age do not show smooth pursuit eye movements when tracking pendular target motion at varying velocities.27,28 Instead, tracking responses consist of saccades, which act to allow the eye to catch up to the moving target. At 2 to 3 months of age, the infant is capable of generating a smooth pursuit eye movement to track a moving target. The eye movements, however, are still not adult-like, and fixation tends to lag behind the target.27,28 There is evidence that pursuit eye movements continue to improve during childhood.29-32 For example, children tend to wait longer than adults to change direction when tracking a target with a predictable path.24,30

追隨。追隨眼球運動,讓我們能夠在穩定的視覺環境中,連續清晰地看到運動中的物體。[27]這些眼球運動,似乎容易受到出生後中心凹發育水平和相應的視力下降的影響。[27]這可能解釋了以下發現: 8周以下的嬰兒,觀察以不同速度擺動的目標時,並沒有表現出平滑的追隨眼球運動。[27],[28]相反,追蹤反應包含掃視,掃視的作用是讓眼睛趕上運動的目標。在2到3個月大的時候,嬰兒能夠產生一個平滑的眼球追隨運動,追蹤移動中的目標。



Saccadic Eye Movements. Saccadic eye movements are rapid shifts in fixation from one part of the visual field to another in order to place a new image on the fovea. These eye movements are easily observed in newborns but tend to be infrequent. During the first 3 months of life, the frequency of changing fixation to new visual objects increases.26 Accurate saccades depend on coordinating the locus of retinal stimulation with a neuromotor command.33 That is, a peripheral target at 10 degrees should result in a saccade of approximately the same amount. At 1 to 2 months of life, the infant has difficulty generating an accurate saccade: he or she will change fixation to a new target with a series of small saccades that rarely exceed 50% of the target distance.26,34 The saccades are in the right direction but are grossly hypometric. There is a systematic improvement during infancy, with a decrease in the number of saccades needed to reach the target and an increase in the amplitude of the primary saccade.34 By 7 months of age, the hypometric responses are reduced, but accuracy is still not adult-like.34



