



wander 指无目的游荡,徘徊; 也可指“偏离话题”、“走神”的意思。

  • Tom likes to wander up and down the streets at his leisure time.


  • We can wander through the field, breathing fresh air and enjoying the sunshine.


  • Don’t wander from the subject we are discussing.


4) He is constraining his mind not to wander from the task in hand.



roam 指在广阔地方以愉快的心情作无固定目标的“漫游”。也可指思维的漫游或臆想。

  • He roamed about the second-hand bookstore and picked some books useful to his study.


  • The young photographer roamed here and there in the city to see if there was anything special for him to take photos.


  • Though the likelihood of complex life is virtually nonexistent, we can still let our fancy roam.



ramble 指漫不经心、轻松愉快地漫步、游逛,也可指“闲聊”、“瞎扯”、“漫谈”。

  • My holiday afternoons were spent in rambling about the surrounding country.


  • The old lady began to ramble about the days of her youth.


  • This composition rambles from one subject to another, so it does not seem to have any point.



stroll 常指无明确目的他悠闲而缓慢地漫游、闲逛、溜达。stroll可用作名词。

  • My husband and I often stroll through the streets after supper.


  • A favorite with tourists and local alike, the market is a great place to stroll, dine, shop and people-watch.


  • After dinner, they took a stroll on the White Hourse South Lawn.


