
Sam Karthik, Living in China (2017-)

Updated Mar 13



Let me share what I saw today morning (6th Feb 2020) in China (Suzhou, Jiangsu), and you will feel what China is doing to ensure well being of the citizens and foreigners alike during the coronavirus crisis.

Well, we have body temperature checks done everyday. The apartment security guards would knock my door and check the temperature. Since for about two weeks I have been most of the time inside my apartment, today I was given a thermometer to self check temperature each day from tomorrow. I have to update the security by sending them wechat message, each day by 1pm.



Today I was running out of supplies and went out briefly to do some basic shopping. I was given a card by the building receptionist. Only one card is given per apartment/family. I have to show the card to building security guards each time I come and go from building.

This card contains basic personal information such as the name, phone number, passport number, etc.

Only the person (with his name on the card) can enter the building.

As I left the building, I saw this notice at the building gate:



Basically, outsiders are not allowed in the building. The only exception is the food delivery guy. However, he must leave the food at the reception on ground floor.Then I went out of building.

Today it has been a rainly and cold day in Suzhou.

As I walked to a supermarket, I encountered this street security guard. He was checking body temperature of each and every person (including those in the car) who passed through the adjacent road:



As I left him after the second temperature check, I thanked him for doing his work with utmost sincerity. Well, he is as vulnerable to the virus as anyone else.

I also realized that the other nearby streets were closed:



hat means, you can't go further ahead until you go through the temperature check.

Then I reached the back entrance of the supermarket, and here is the gate:



If you look carefully, you can see a security guard behind the door (in mask). The notice on pink paper says 测温, which means: to measure temperature.

Then I did some shopping. There was no issues with shopping. Not many people around though.



I also learnt that the supermarket was open daily from 8am to 8pm. Basically, 12 hours a day.



Business hours.

McDonald's was open:




Pharmacy was open:




Some restaurants are still open:




There weren't any customers in the restaurants. So, the waitress was happy to see me. I was shown the menu. All the following dishes were available, on regular price:



Of course, the Meituan (美团) App based home food delivery (外卖) is still working, and we have all types of food being delivered directly to the building reception. Here is the Chinese dumplings (饺子, jiaozi) I ordered just today:



The food delivery is not expensive either:16 pieces of dumplings for RMB 18 (US $2.5).

As you can see, despite all the coronavirus crisis, life is still quite manageable in China.

Let's thank the Chinese government authorities who are putting every effort to make our life comfortable, to the maximum possible extent.

In particular, let's thank these security guards, waiters, and staffs who are working diligently at supermarket. They are putting their own life at risk to ensure that others are able to live properly.

Not to mention, very recently, one person visited a supermarket and got infected within 15 seconds.



Patrick Koh

Feb 6 · 93 upvotes including Sam Karthik

Thanks for sharing the ground experience. For all this to work, need clear policy, strong unity and good social discipline. I think China is good with that. And Yes, so much effort, but very few outside China appreciate and some throw brickbats. Those people - the police, medical, service staff, construction, logistics, etc, have done so much in their duty and should be appreciated. many medical staff were infected because they were continuously exposed and worked such long hours. But many more thousands of medical and PLA have moved into Hubei to help.

谢谢分享这么实在的经验。要实现这一切,需要有明确的政策、强有力的团结和良好的社会纪律。我认为中国在这方面做得很好。是的,付出了这么多努力,但很少有中国以外的人懂得欣赏,有些人还会扔砖头。这些人- -警察、医务人员、服务人员、建筑人员、后勤人员等等,在他们的职责范围内做了许多工作,应该受到赞赏。许多医务人员因为长时间工作和不断接触而受到感染。但是成千上万的医务人员和解放军已经进入湖北提供帮助。

Sam Karthik

Original Author · Feb 6 · 75 upvotes including Patrick Koh

You are welcome. China is big and beautiful. Let's stand together with China. 手拉手


Timothy Sly, Epidemiologist, professor, Ryerson University, Toronto,

Feb 9 · 64 upvotes including Sam Karthik

Your contribution is much appreciated! We are already seeing a groundswell of intolerance and ignorance bordering upon racism. It happened among a vocal few during SARS, too. Your description and photos helps counter this. As an epidemiologist, I am convinced that such containment is the only way to prevent pandemic spread.


Fischer Heisenberg

Mar 8 · 6 upvotes including Timothy Sly

Being recognized by professionals is the greatest comfort to all Chinese people . Thank you and hope you will always be healthy


Glenda Pliler

Feb 12 · 10 upvotes including Sam Karthik

Thank you for posting this. I have admired and appreciated the Chinese government’s stringent measures and I appreciate the difficulties and sacrifices (of normal life and income) of the general population. Thank you.


Ankita Agarwal

Mar 12 · 1 upvote from Sam Karthik

I always wonder how the guards prevent virus spread during temperature check. Do they have many thermometers or they disinfect them after every temperature measurement?


Lawrence Kahn

Feb 12 · 5 upvotes including Sam Karthik

My prayers go out to all of the people that are suffering through this crisis. Stay strong and stay safe.


Peter Bradbury

Feb 12 · 4 upvotes including Sam Karthik

From this Australian and his family a huge thank you to the Chinese Government and to the Chinese people for the responsible way they are handling this outbreak.

To the medical teams, security personnel etc. who are risking all to protect the rest of us you have my heartfelt gratitude.

Live long and prosper!


Martin Sebastian

Feb 7 · 22 upvotes

It's a good thing that Chinese people aren't brought up in liberalism environment so none of them is trying to pull that“How dare you tell me what to do!” attitude when asked for temp check and not allowed to leave their apartment more than one person.

In the western world, they might need a group of riot policemen at every single apartment building for that.


John Tan

Feb 7

Pretty Much the same when I had to travel in & out of Shanghai, Guangzhou & Hong Kong during the SARS era. I felt they are over-compensating, but I rather they err on that side than the other way round.


