















包啟挺 北京民生智庫大數據研究院院長

蔡佳禾 南京大學-約翰斯霍普金斯大學中美文化研究中心教授

曹文煉 中國經濟體制改革研究會副會長

陳定定 暨南大學“一帶一路”與粵港澳大灣區研究院副院長

陳東曉 上海國際問題研究院院長

陳 經 科技與戰略風雲學會副會長

陳 琪 清華大學中美關係研究中心主任

陳忠陽 中國人民大學財政金融學院教授

陳武元 廈門大學一帶一路研究院常務副院長

陳雲松 南京大學-約翰斯霍普金斯大學中美文化研究中心主任

崔曉靜 武漢大學法學院教授

達 巍 國際關係學院教授

刁大明 中國人民大學國際關係學院副教授

丁 剛 人民日報高級記者、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

丁炫凱 南京大學中國智庫研究與評價中心研究員

董雪兵 浙江大學中國西部發展研究院常務副院長

杜志章 華中科技大學國家治理研究院副院長

方長平 中國人民大學國際關係學院副院長

方興東 互聯網實驗室創始人(ChinaLabs)

馮雷鳴 天津外國語大學一帶一路天津戰略研究院院長

馮 晞 未來商習院院長

高 健 上海全球治理與區域國別研究院秘書長

高奇琦 華東政法大學政治學研究院院長

郭萬達 中國(深圳)綜合開發研究院常務副院長

何 輝 北京外國語大學教授

何茂春 清華大學經濟外交研究中心主任

何偉文 中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

黃大慧 中國人民大學國際關係學院副院長

黃 靖 北京語言大學國別和區域研究院學術院長

黃仁偉 上海社會科學院原副院長、研究員

黃日涵 華僑大學國際關係學院院長助理

胡 偉 上海市公共政策研究會會長

姜 安 深圳大學社會科學學院教授

賈晉京 中國人民大學重陽金融研究院助理院長

賈 敏 華東師範大學國際關係與地區發展研究院副研究員

賈文山 山東大學特聘教授

孔新峰 山東大學國家治理研究院副院長

藍蔚青 浙江省城市治理研究中心首席專家

李 剛 南京大學信息管理學院教授

李國棟 煙臺大學馬克思主義學院院長

李 牧 武漢理工大學法學社會學院院長

梁雙陸 雲南大學經濟學院院長

林成華 浙江大學科技管理研究所副所長

林丹明 汕頭大學教授

劉 鋒 海南師範大學菲律賓研究中心主任

劉海明 重慶大學新聞學院教授

劉 仰 中信改革發展研究基金會諮詢委員

劉志勤 前瑞士蘇黎世州銀行北京首席代表、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

龍興春 西華師範大學外國語學院教授

盧山冰 西北大學絲綢之路研究院院長

羅良清 江西財經大學統計學首席教授

梅新育 商務部研究院研究員

歐陽康 華中科技大學國家治理研究院院長

蒲勇健 重慶大學發展研究中心副主任

潘慶中 清華大學蘇世民書院常務副院長

秦 安 天津大學法學院互聯網政策與法律研究中心主任

史志欽 清華大學國際關係學系教授

蘇 浩 外交學院教授

儲 殷 國際關係學院教授、數字經濟智庫副院長

儲昭根 浙江理工大學一帶一路與非傳統安全研究中心主任

孫 雯 南京大學-約翰斯霍普金斯大學中美文化研究中心副主任

孫曉萌 北京外國語大學教授

宋魯鄭 復旦大學中國研究院研究員

唐任伍 北京師範大學政府管理研究院院長

屠新泉 對外經濟貿易大學WTO研究院院長

邢麗菊 復旦大學國際問題研究院教授

徐二明 汕頭大學商學院院長

徐 寧 長江產業經濟研究院院長助理

姚樹潔 重慶大學社會科學部副主任

易 鵬 盤古智庫理事長

易劍東 溫州大學教授

汪金國 蘭州大學政治與國際關係學院院長

王朝恩 西安交通大學絲綢之路經濟帶法律政策協同創新中心主任助理

王 磊 北京師範大學金磚國家合作研究中心主任

王紹光 清華大學公共管理學院、蘇世民書院、國際研究院特聘教授

王 文 中國人民大學重陽金融研究院執行院長(發起協調人)

王醒男 廣東金融學院教授

王義桅 中國人民大學國際事務研究所所長

王在邦 太和智庫高級研究員

吳大輝 清華大學俄羅斯研究院副院長

吳丹紅 中國政法大學疑難證據中心主任

吳思科 原中東特使、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

夏立平 同濟大學國際與公共事務研究院院長

夏友富 對外經貿大學中國開放經濟與國際科技合作戰略研究中心執行主任

楊光斌 中國人民大學國際關係學院院長

楊雪冬 中央黨史和文獻研究院研究員

楊宇軍 中國傳媒大學媒介與公共事務研究院院長

餘 麗 鄭州大學政治與公共管理學院副院長

張東明 遼寧大學東北研究院院長

張海冰 上海國際問題研究院院長助理

張頤武 北京大學中文系教授

趙 剛 中國社會經濟系統分析研究會副理事長

趙可金 清華大學全球共同發展研究院副院長

趙建平 中非發展基金原董事長、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

張勝軍 北京師範大學政府管理學院教授

張衛良 杭州師範大學杭州城市國際化研究院院長

張燕玲 中國銀行原副行長、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

張振江 暨南大學國際關係學院院長

周 戎 光明日報前南亞首席記者、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

周曉晶 國務院發展研究中心亞非研究所前所長、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院高級研究員

An Open Letter to the People of the United States From 100 Chinese Scholars

Dear American friends:

We are a group of 100 Chinese scholars representing diverse academic fields including philosophy, political science, economics, medicine, international relations, sociology, law, communication, military science, and technology. Our members include a number of university professors from Wuhan. While our areas of expertise are diverse, as intellectuals we all share a common desire to express our concerns about the well-being of all people in China, the U.S., and every country on Earth.

Recently, we have heard many critical voices politicizing the COVID-19 pandemic. Facing the most dangerous infectious disease in a century, these criticisms help neither China, the U.S., nor the world to curb the spread of the virus. Political bickering does nothing to contribute to the healthy development of Sino-U.S. relations, nor will it help the people of the world to rationally and accurately understand and cope with the pandemic.

We want to sincerely and frankly share our views with our American friends today.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global public health crisis with a horrific scale not seen in generations; the effort to overcome both it and its impact will be nothing short of a long-term and arduous global war. Countries should be working together, not complaining, finger pointing, and blaming one another. The virus does not know any borders, but neither does love, nor friendship. As two of the great countries on Earth, cooperation between China and the U.S. could, and should, be used to bring a more positive outcome for all humankind.

Respecting science, cherishing life, and protecting people from harm should be our shared goals in the fight against COVID-19.

The COVID-19 outbreak in China is now basically under control. Since the virus first emerged in early January, the Chinese people have made unimaginable efforts and sacrifices to achieve hard-won results.

We are grateful for the support of the international community, including donations from American friends, during the most critical stage of the fight. We respect the epidemic containment programs and policies implemented by other countries according to their own national conditions, and we are willing to share our experiences with other countries and provide all available assistance to them.

At this stage of the pandemic, the exact source and origin of COVID-19 remain undetermined, but these questions are unimportant and finger pointing is demeaning and hurtful to everyone. In the end we will all respect the final determination of scientists. Like many other countries, China is a victim of the virus, but also a success story overcoming it, and it is willing to work with people of other countries to stop the spread of the pandemic.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with the international community, including intellectuals and experts from the U.S. that look forward to a brighter future. We look forward to the time when doctrines of international cooperation once again flourish around the world. We call on all nations to work together in sincere cooperation to defeat this common enemy of humanity.

Hopefully, we soon be able to celebrate the final victory over COVID-19 !

Signed by 100 scholars from China

March 31, 2020

Our names are:

(In alphabetical order by last name)

Bao Qiting, Dean of Beijing Minsheng Big Data Research Institute

Cai Jiahe, Professor of the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies

Cao Wenlian, Vice President of China Society of Economic Reform

Chen Dingding, Associate Dean, Institute for Belt and Road Initiative and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area

Chen Dongxiao, President of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS)

Chen Jing, Vice President of Technology and Strategy Research Institute

Chen Qi, Director of Tsinghua Center for U.S.-China Relations

Chen Zhongyang, Professor of School of Finance, Renmin University of China

Chen Wuyuan, Executive Vice President of “The Belt and Road” Research School, Xiamen University (XMU)

Chen Yunsong, Director of the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies

Cui Xiaojing, Professor of School of Law, Wuhan University

Da Wei, Professor of University of International Relations

Diao Daming, Associate Professor of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China

Ding Gang, Senior Editor with People’s Daily, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Ding Xuankai, Research Fellow of Chinese Think Tank Studies and Evaluation Center, Nanjing University

Dong Xuebing, Executive Vice Director of China Academy of West Region Development, Zhejiang University

Du Zhizhang, Vice Dean of the Institute of State Governance, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Fang Changping, Deputy Dean of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China

Fang Xingdong, Founder of ChinaLabs

Feng Leiming, Dean of the “Belt and Road” Tianjin Strategic Research Institute, Tianjin Foreign Studies University

Feng Xi, President of Future Business School

Gao Jian, Secretary-General of Academy for Global Governance and Area Studies

Gao Qiqi, Dean of Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law

Guo Wanda, Executive Vice President of China Development Institute

He Hui, Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University

He Maochun, Director of Research Center for Economic Diplomacy, Tsinghua University

He Weiwen, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Huang Dahui, Deputy Dean of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China

Huang Jing, Academic Dean of Academy of International and Regional Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University

Huang Renwei, Former Vice President and Research Fellow of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Huang Rihan, Assistant Dean of School of International Relations, Huaqiao University

Hu Wei, President of the Shanghai Society of Public Policy

Jiang An, Professor of School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shenzhen University

Jia Jinjing, Assistant Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Jia Min, Associate Research Fellow, School of Advanced International and Area Studies of East China Normal University

Jia Wenshan, Distinguished Professor of Shandong University

Kong Xinfeng, Vice President of the Institute of State Governance, Shandong University

Lan Weiqing, Chief Expert of Urban Governance Research Center of Zhejiang Province

Li Gang, Professor of School of Information Management, Nanjing University

Li Guodong, Dean of School of Marxism,Yantai University

Li Mu, Dean of School of Law, Humanities and Sociology,Wuhan University of Technology

Liang Shuanglu, Dean of School of Economics (School of Accounting),Yunnan University

Lin Chenghua, Vice Director of Institute of science and technology management, Zhejiang University

Lin Danming, Professor of Shantou University

Liu Feng, Director of Philippine Research Center, Hainan Normal University

Liu Haiming, Professor of School of Journalism and Communication, Chongqing University

Liu Yang, Advisory committee member of CITIC Foundation for Reform and Development Studies

Liu Zhiqin, Former Chief Representative of (Swiss) Zuercher Kantonal Bank in Beijing, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Long Xingchun, Professor of School of Foreign Languages, China West Normal University

Lu Shanbing, Dean of Institute of Silk Road Studies, Northwest University

Luo Liangqing, Chair Professor of Statistics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Mei Xinyu, Research Fellow of Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce

Ouyang Kang, Dean of the Institute of State Governance, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Pu Yongjian, Vice Director of Development Research Center, Chongqing University

Pan Qingzhong, Executive Dean, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University

Qin An, Director of the Internet Policy and Law Research Center, Tianjing University Law School

Shi Zhiqin, Professor of Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University

Su Hao, Professor of China Foreign Affairs University

Chu Yin, Professor of University of International Relations, Vice Dean of DE Think Tank

Chu Zhaogen, Director of BRI and Non-traditional Security Research Center, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (ZSTU)

Sun Wen, Vice Director of the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies

Sun Xiaomeng, Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University

Song Luzheng, Researcher of China Institute, Fudan University

Tang Renwu, President of School of Government, Beijing Normal University

Tu Xinquan, Dean of China Institute for WTO Studies, University of International Business and Economics

Xing Liju, Professor of Institute of International Studies, Fudan University

Xu Erming, Dean of Business School, Shantou University

Xu Ning, Assistant to the Dean of Yangtze Industrial Economic Institute

Yao Shujie, Deputy Director of Faculty of Social Sciences, Chongqing University

Yi Peng, President of Pangoal Institution

Yi Jiandong, Professor of Wenzhou University

Wang Jinguo, Dean of School of Politics and International Relations, Lanzhou University

Wang Chaoen, Director Assistant of the Collaborative Innovation Centre for Silk Road Economic Belt Legal and Policy Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Wang Lei, Director of the BRICS Cooperation Center, Beijing Normal University

Wang Shaoguang, Distinguished Professor of School of Public Policy & Management and Schwarzman College, Senior Research Fellow of Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University

Wang Wen, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (and the open letter’s Initiative Coordinator)

Wang Xingnan, Professor of Guangdong University of Finance

Wang Yiwei, Director of the Institute of International Affairs, Renmin University of China.

Wang Zaibang, Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute

Wu Dahui, Deputy Director of Russian Research Institute of Tsinghua University

Wu Danhong, Director of Difficult Evidence Center, China University of Political Science and Law

Wu Sike, Former Special Envoy for China on the Middle East Issue, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Xia Liping, Dean of Institute of International and Public Affairs, Tongji University

Xia Youfu, Executive Director of the Strategy Center for China’s Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation-SCOT, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

Yang Guangbin, Dean of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China

Yang Xuedong, Research fellow of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee

Yang Yujun, Dean of Academy of Media and Public Affairs, Communication University of China

Yu Li, Deputy Dean of School of Politics and Public Management, Zhengzhou University

Zhang Dongming, Dean of Northeast Research Institute, Liaoning University (LNU)

Zhang Haibing, President Assistant of Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS)

Zhang Yiwu, Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University

Zhao Gang, Vice Chairman of China Society for Social System Analysis

Zhao Kejin, Deputy Dean of Institute of Global Development, Tsinghua University

Zhao Jianping, Former Chairman of China-Africa Development Fund, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Zhang Shengjun, Professor of School of Government, Beijing Normal University

Zhang Weiliang, Dean of the Institute for Urban Studies, Hangzhou Normal University

Zhang Yanling, Former Vice President of Bank of China, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Zhang Zhenjiang, Dean of School of International Studies, Jinan University (JNU)

Zhou Feifei, Associate Chief Physician and Associate Professor of Peking University Third Hospital

Zhou Rong, former South Asia Chief Correspondent of Guangming Daily, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Zhou Luohua, Deputy Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Zhou Xiaojing, Former Director of Institute of Asian and African Development at the Development Research Center of the State Council, Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

The author and advance organizer of this open Letter is Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY).

