quora: 为什么所有东西都是中国制造

Why the heck is everything made in China?




William Kim, works at The Catalyst

It’s not.


A lot used to be made in China because China had a very large, very cheap labor pool. It was easier to manufacture large quantities of goods in China because you didn’t have to pay the factory workers as much. Even then “Made in China” often meant it was only assembled in China while the various parts were made somewhere else. For example, an iPhone assembled in a Chinese factory might have its touch screen made in South Korea and its battery made in Germany.


Made in China is becoming a less common label for two reasons. 1) it’s now cheaper to manufacture in other places. As a country grows more developed its workers become more expensive. It happened to South Korea, Taiwan and Japan and now it’s happening to China. Chinese average hourly wages are now $3.60, up 64 percent from 2011. This might not seem like a lot until you consider other countries have even lower wages; for example Sri Lanka’s average wage is 50 cents an hour. In a globalized economy manufacturing can move around very quickly and corporations simply go where costs are lowest.


automation is now replacing manufacturing jobs. One manufacturer in China laid of 60,000 workers in favor of robots. And robots in China get the same wage as they do in the US: zero. If one uses automation the logic behind offshoring to China disappears; you might as well build an automated factory in the US and save yourself the transportation costs of shipping goods halfway across the world


来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/46105.html 译者:Jessica.Wu

Yao Liang, Partner at Law Firm (2007-present)

Many people are telling you that things are made in China because of the cheap labor price here. I admit that it is one of the reasons, especially for the early days in 1990s when China just reformed and opened to the world, however, it is definitely not the primary reason because, as many people would also say, there are many places where the labor price is much cheaper than that of China.


So what is the primary reason that manufacturers tend to manufacture things in China and procurement managers tend to purchase from China? I think it is because China has a relatively complete industrial system.


As you probably know, the aerospace technology is the representation of a country’s overall strength in industry. China sent its first satellite to the space in 1970. China is one of the few countries that can send people to space. That means China can pretty much make everything that is required in the most complex industrial project that human being ever had.


I am not saying that China has the most advanced technology in the world. It does not. However, a complete industrial system means that it has no apparent shortfall, and that is not something that every country has. With the complete industrial system that can compare with the US, Europe, and Japan, and the cheap labor price that can almost compare with Africa, why wouldn’t you choose to do manufacturing in China?

There are many other advantages that China has:



ŸMillions of well trained industrial workers


ŸGood infrastructure including the high-speed railway system that can reach almost every corner of this vast country, the world’s largest ports, the communication network that covers the most remote area of this country, the huge huge cities that gather tens of millions of people…


ŸCheap energy


ŸPolitical stability


Trust me, you may not be able to find another place that is more suitable to do manufacturing than China.


Wang Jia Lun, born in 1990s

This question was phased very unfriendly manner. I won’t spend much time on it.


Simply because we can. We can make anything you could every see on earth, from a tiny screw to space station. United Nations Statistics Division We admit that some times the quality and the price may be not as good as the US counter-parties but we will catch up shortly.


It is also because that we offer a competitive price.It means it has the best balance between the cost and quality in the world. Others are either too expensive for you to consider to buy it, or too undeveloped to produce these stuffs.


Under the free market, they will always buy from us, just accept the fact. xD


That explains why we become the world factory.


Simon Adit

Originally Answered: Why is everything made in China?

Not everything is made in China, but a lot of consumer goods you and I see and use in every day life are made in China.


There are a lot of factors that affect why a lot of manufacturing takes place in China.


Firstly, wage costs.

For a long time, China had one of the cheapest labor costs not only in Asia, but in the entire world. This paired very well with assembly line jobs (assembling parts, weaving cloth, etc.) which required little to no education at all.



Secondly, it has everything you need to manufacture all in one place.

Naturally, because of generally lower costs, you’d end up finding suppliers of raw and secondary products teeming in this country. Need cloth for your garments factory? No problem, no need to import, the factory next door makes them. Need electronics to assemble a gadget? No problem, the factory across makes them. Everything is just faster and more convenient here.



Thirdly, (based on personal observation,) production is very efficient.

You’ll rarely find workers slacking around, especially in the manufacturing scene. As long as the workday isn’t over and you have a job to do, you will do it. Businessmen don’t have time for your shenanigans and demands. You don’t like it here? Leave then. We have someone waiting for your spot.



Let the data speak for itself.

Hope this helped at least even by a little bit


Ron Berkes, Founding Partner of ManufacturingChina.com

We recently partnered with a credit amd risk management company in China. They are hired by Alibaba to vet Chinese factories wishing to upgrade Alibaba accounts. The database consists of 40,000,000 companies and over 5,000,000 factories. In the USA we have around 1,000,000 factories. I would say the resources has a lot to do with why.


Joyce Ko, lived in Jiangmen,Guangdong,China

Oh,man. I don’t think so.


At least not everything.


As you can see, some countries in southeast Asia like Thailand, India and Vietnam owe the cheaper labour than China now, just because for the very first time, during the reform and opening up period, China had the large population and most of them lack of education (wrong in war), after war time, they had to struggle for their living, then the new era is coming, the government admitted the business trade, many foreign business targeted their plant at the cheapest place, just like new China, so their factories set up in the coastal region.


But with the rapid growth of China, the cheap labour strength is not so obvious than before.


so you can see many famous brand factories are moved from Guangdong pearl river delta or Yangtze river delta to Vietnam or any other developing Asian countries.


But no denying , China’ s productivity is still strong.


You know, many hands make light work.


Jim Herman, Extreme Star Wars and DC nerd, knowledgeable about China

Originally Answered: Why does everything say made in China?

Because China is cheap.

Really cheap.

Really cheap.

Remember, China has around 1.3 billion people. That makes for a huge workforce.

And like I have explained earlier, there is classism.

Western (and Chinese) companies are able to take advantage of the workers, underpaying them and working their butts of for a cheap price, while the government mostly watches. Sure, they have safety laws, but the wage is absurdly low.

The minimum wage in Beijing is three dollars per hour. And that’s high. In Shanghai it’s around $310 per month.

Now just imagine how impossibly low it is out in the countryside.





David Joseph, Founder (2012-present)

Cost of labour is low in China = cheap products, but this is changing now robots are becoming cheaper than human labour.


Andrew Namminga, Industrial designer and product development master

Fast, cheap and high quality…



Because all other people are enjoying their 120 days holiday per year, while Chinese only enjoying 30 days holiday a year to serve the world


Quora User, phd Materials, Hit

Originally Answered: Why does everything say made in China?

bcs china is poor and the ppl in other countries r rich and



