新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译


Lesson 8 A famous monastery


新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译

一、重点单词短语解析【New words and expressions】

1. monastery n. 寺院,修道院

补充:abbey n. 修道院; 大教堂; 大寺院 Westminster Abbey 伦敦威斯敏斯特大教堂

In ancient China, there were lots of monasteries.在古时候, 中国有许多寺院。

abbot:修道院院长 —— abbess:女修道院院长

convent n.修女 女修道院She entered a convent at the age of 16.她十六岁时进了修道院。

2. pass n. 关隘通道, 山口;关口

The monastery is in a remote mountain pass. 那个修道院在一个偏远的山口中。

There is a bus passing through the Brenner Pass every day.每天都有一辆穿过布里纳山口的公共汽车。

3. pass 和 spend

(1) 表示在等待的过程中做某事打发时间,可以用 pass the time.

He had brought along a book to pass the time(他带了本书打发时间)。表示一段时间已经流逝,可以用pass.

The first few days passed(最初几天过去了).

The time seems to have passed so quickly(时间似乎过得非常快)。

(2) 表示花一段时间做某事或呆在某个地方,用 spend:

I spent three days cleaning our flat(我花了3天打扫我们的公寓)。

A hotel where we could spend the night(我们可以入住过夜的酒店)。

4. rashly adj. 莽撞地,冒失地 boldly adv.

太急速的; 鲁莽的; 轻率的

a rash young man 莽撞的小伙子 a rash statement 不顾后果的话

I made quite a lot of money, but I rashly gave most of it away... 我赚了不少钱,但是大部分被我轻率地花掉了。

My sister always said I acted rashly. 我姐姐总是说我行为鲁莽。

He did something rash and repented it forever. 他做了件轻率的是而一直为之后悔。

Don't be rash in making your decision.别轻率做出决定。

be rash enough胆敢

rash advance冒进

Marry in haste and repent at leisure.草率结婚后悔多。


I lent him $50,000 in a moment of rashness. 我一时不慎借给他5万美元。

With characteristic rashness , Peter plunged into the icy water.


...the rashness of youth. 年少的鲁莽

rash of sth. (比喻) 令人不愉快的事情突然大量出现

a rash of ugly new house 一下子冒出来的一大片难看的房子

a rash of strikes in the steel industry 钢铁工业突如其来的一连串大罢工

rash adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的;冲动的

It would be rash to rely on such evidence.指靠这样的证据是草率的。

Mr. Ma is making no rash promises... 马先生没有作出轻率的承诺。

Don’t make rash promises. 勿轻易承诺(以免后悔)。

Don't do anything rash until the feelings subside. 在冷静下来之前不要鲁莽行事。

It was rash of you to sign the form without reading it.你看也不看就在表格上签字真太轻率了。

a rash of 大量,许多(令人不快的事情)

They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of terrible accidents this spring. 他们认为今年春天一连串可怕的事故是由这次混乱引起的。

5. enclosure n. 围场,圈地,圈占地, 圈用地

We were led to a fenced enclosure.我们被带到一处用篱笆围住的场地。

This enclosure was so vast that the outermost wall could hardly be seen. 这块围场如此之大,几乎看不见最远端的围墙。

enclosure附件, 装入物

I received your enclosure with gratitude.附件收到, 十分感谢。

enclose vt.把…围起来,包围;围住;封闭

The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers... 规则要求样本必须装在两个水密容器中。

The surrounding land was enclosed by an six foot bamboo fence. 周围的土地围有6英尺高的竹栅栏。

In China people usually have the walls the universities enclosed.在中国人民习惯于用围墙把大学围在里面。

把…装入信封, 附入;把…封入信封;随函附上

I have enclosed a cheque for £10,000... 我已随信附上10,000英镑的支票。

He tore open the yellow envelope that had been enclosed in the letter... 他撕开了随信寄来的黄色信封。

The enclosed leaflet shows how our Service can ease all your worries. 随信寄上的宣传页将说明我们的“服务”如何能为您解除所有烦忧。

He enclosed a cheque for 5,000dollars.他附寄了一张5,000美元的支票。

6. monk n. 和尚,僧侣;修道士

friar ['fraɪə(r)] n. (天主教的)男修士;化缘修士;

friary ['fraɪərɪ] n. 男修道院,寺院

nun n.修女;尼姑 nunnery ['nʌnərɪ] n. 尼姑庵,女修道院

7. privacy n. 清静,隐居,(不受干扰的)独处

He must have disturbed your privacy.他必定打扰了你的清静。

privacy 私事, 隐私;独处;清静 He preferred to read the documents in the privacy of his study.他比较喜欢在书房里无干扰的情况下阅读文件。

privacy 干扰…的生活;侵犯…的隐私

The press invade people's privacy every day. 每天媒体都会毫无道理地干扰人们的生活。

I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy.我要求你对于无礼地侵扰我的私人生活的行为做出解释。

We must respect other's privacies.我们不该打听他人的私事。

Newspapers often don't respect the individual’s right to privacy. 报纸的报道往往不尊重私人权利。

She complained that the questions were an invasion of (her) privacy.


8. seclude vt.使隔开,使隔绝,使隐退,隐秘

seclude sb./oneself from society 与世隔绝对

She seclued herself in her study to work. 她把自己关在书房里埋头研究。

You can’t seclue yourself from the world. 人不能与世隔绝。

secluded a. 僻静的;隐蔽的;与世隔绝的;人迹罕至的;离群索居的

lead a secluded life 过离群索居的生活

We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room... 我们被藏匿到房间里一个隐蔽的角落。

We found a secluded beach a few miles further on. 我们又前行了几英里,发现了一处僻静的海滩。

seclusion [sɪˈklu:ʒn] n. 隔绝;隐退;隐居

She lived in seclusion with her husband on their farm in Panama... 她与丈夫隐居在他们在巴拿马的农场。

They love the seclusion of their garden. 他们喜欢自家花园的幽静。

9. skier n. 滑雪者

He is an enthusiastic skier. 他是个滑雪爱好者。

The skier skimmed across the snow.滑雪者飞快地滑过雪地。

skiing n.

ski boot滑雪靴 ski jump(助滑道)飞跃滑雪;滑雪跳跃比赛

ski-bob 滑雪车(状如自行车、有滑雪板,无轮)

skiing course, instructor, resort 滑雪课程、教练、胜地

skiing equipment, clothes 滑雪用具、服装

ski 滑雪板;滑水板 ...a pair of skis. 一副滑雪板

They surf, ski and ride... 他们冲浪,滑雪,还骑马。

10. Easter n. 复活节

at Easter, at Christmas, at Thanksgiving复活节假期

They usually have a walking holiday at Easter... 复活节假期他们通常都会去徒步旅行。

She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France... 她带领一群孩子去法国过复活节。

The government declared Easter Monday a public holiday. 政府宣布复活节后的星期一是公共假日。

新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译


1.The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe..圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士与意大利,海拔2,473O米,是欧洲最高的山口。

(1) connect…to… / join….to… / link…with…把...与…连接在一起

connects / join Switzerland to Italy

link Switzerland with Italy

connect … with:把…与某事联系在一起

I can’t connect the picture with my friend Mary.

Are you connected with the government?

be connected with 与…有联系

Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe.将煤气炉和煤气管接起来。

connect Dalian with the sea提到大连就想到海

Their families are now connected by marriage.他们两家现已联姻。

I was again connected to the wrong person.又给我接错了电话。

(2) at 2,473 metres:介词短语修饰全句用于句首表示原因、条件或状态

In red, she looks much more beautiful.

At the age of 15, he is able. 在十五岁的时候, 他很能干。

At 1. 65 metres, he is a little short.

height海拔;height above sea level;elevation

4,000 metres above sea level; 海拔四千米

with an elevation of 4,000 metres 海拔高度

2.The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. 11世纪建造的著名的圣伯纳德修道院位于离山口1英里远的地方。

found(v.建立, 创立)= set up(设立, 竖立)= establish(vt.成立,建立)

which was founded in the eleventh century, 非限制性定语从句。





1. who引导的非限制性定语从句主要指人做主语

Mr Smith was a famous person in American history.

Mr Smith, who died on July 17th at 64,was a famous person in American history.

There were very few passengers, who escaped without serious injury. (n.伤害)旅客很少, 他们都逃出来了, 没有受到重伤。

There were very few passengers who escaped without serious injury.


The drivers, who knew about the traffic jam, took another road.

所有司机都知道堵车的事, 都走了别的路。

The drivers who knew about the traffic jam took another road, and others who didn’t know about the traffic jam still took this heavy road.

得知堵车的司机走了别的路, 不知道堵车事件的司机仍然走这条路。

2. 指代事物在非限制性定语从句当中只能使用which

He lent me a thousand dollars, which was exactly the sum I needed.

3. 指代时间when, 地点where

He was left on the desert island, where he stayed for as long as three weeks.他被留在了荒岛上, 在那里他呆了长达三周之久。

The panda, which was brought from China, was used as a symbol of friendship.

新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译

3. Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty. 如今由于山里开挖了隧道,翻越山口已不那么危险了。但每年还要派狗到雪山地里去帮助那些遇到困难的旅游者。

Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot. 尽管修通了隧道,但仍有一些人想冒险徒步跨越圣伯纳德山口。

(1) now that:既然;由于


Now that you have left university, you have to find a job.


Now that you won't help me, I must do the job myself.

Now (that) you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.

既然你长大了, 就不应该依靠你的父母。

Now(that) he is well again, he can go on with his English study.

既然恢复了健康, 他就可以继续学习英语。

(2)whenever,whoever,whatever,wherever,whichever, however

=no matter when / who / what / where / which / how

You can telephone me whenever you like.

Whichever day you come, we’ll be pleased to see you.

Whenever you go, I’ll follow you.

However busy you are, you must spare some time to study English.

(3) despite介词——in spite of(of是介词)

rashly 莽撞的 attempt to do sth. =try to do sth.企图做某事

I made quite a lot of money, but I rashly gave most of it away... 我赚了不少钱,但是大部分被我轻率地花掉了。

My sister always said I acted rashly. 我姐姐总是说我行为鲁莽。

He did something rash and repented it forever. 他做了件轻率的是而一直为之后悔。

(4) )there + be

There are still a few students studying English in the classroom.

= There are still a few students who are studying English in the classroom.依旧有些学生在教室学习英语。

新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译

4. The monks Prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy. 修道士们喜欢冬天,而不太喜欢夏天。

prefer sth. to sth.

prefer A to B 宁愿A也不愿B

I prefer reading to doing nothing. 我宁愿看书, 也不愿什么都不做

The boy prefers apples to bananas.

  prefer to do sth than do sth

He prefers to read than do nothing. 我宁愿看书, 也不愿什么都不做。

5. During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. 夏天的几个月里,修道院十分忙碌,因为有成千上万的人驾车通过山口。

for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars.for引导并列句表示原因。又如:lesson2、lesson6课文中的句子

(lesson2 )The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明。for引导并列句表示原因

(lesson6)The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.这场抢劫只持续了3分钟,因为窃贼争先恐后地爬上轿车,以惊人的速度开跑了。for引导并列句表示原因


for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.for引导并列句,不是原因状语从句,尽管习惯上人们都称for引导的这样的句子为原因状语从句,仅仅是因为我们常把它翻译为“因为……”。其实,这时的for从句只是对主句进行附加说明。如果一定要归类为原因状语从句,也要对比一下:because引导原因状语从句,重点突出原因,而for引导的原因状语从句,突出了主句。再如:e.g. I do it because I like it. 我做这件事因为我喜欢。The day broke, for the bird. 天亮了,因为鸟开始叫了。


新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译


Lesson 8 A famous monastery


The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times. Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty. Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.

During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure. In winter, however, life at the monastery is quite different. The temperature drops to -30 and very few people attempt to cross the Pass. The monks Prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure. The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always receive a warm.

Welcome at St Bernard's monastery.

A famous monastery 著名的修道院



新概念英语第三册Lesson 8重点词汇长难句型语法解析及课文翻译

