【双语】Pray for blessing by one click 一键换装祈福安康

【双语】Pray for blessing by one click 一键换装祈福安康

It is recorded in Word and Expression that "blessed is the man who is blessed by god". Blessing is a psychological reflection of people's pursuit of a better life for thousands of years, from which the blessing culture is derived. The culture of blessing has been passed down in China for thousands of years. Blessing contains almost all auspicious wishes and is one of the most common auspicious symbols.


The spring of 2020 is special. When the global pandemic casts a gloom over the whole world in this spring, we are all praying for the return of the bright and vibrant spring.


The third day of the third lunar month is the birth day of the ancestor of Chinese culture. "Worshipping Xuanyuan on the third day of the third lunar month" is a cultural tradition of the Chinese nation, which connects hundreds of millions of Chinese people by heart and conveys our yearning for a blessed life in the new era.


Because of the pandemic, we can't gather in Huangdi's hometown this year. But no matter where you are, as long as your heart is with China, from now on you can "pray for the well-being of the world and China" by one click.


【双语】Pray for blessing by one click 一键换装祈福安康

Long press the picture to identify the QR code, enter the online platform for ancestor worship and blessing in the hometown of Huangdi, then you can start praying online right away.




On March 21, the online platform for ancestor worship and blessing in the hometown of Huangdi was officially launched. Let's worship Xuanyuan together, putting on the yellow scarf, and praying for ourselves, for our families, for our motherland, for our sister cities, and for humanity!


【双语】Pray for blessing by one click 一键换装祈福安康

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Managing Editor: Xiong Vivi

Text / Pic Editor: Xiong Vivi, Wang Yipin

