
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处

Scott Kerwin, lived in Japan (1992-1997)
There can be a variety of reasons.
It’s a job that allows a native speaker without technical qualifications to work and live in Japan. Consequently only a small minority is doing it because they enjoy teaching. For the rest it’s a job, and not particularly a good one - especially if your heart is not in it.
Unless they teach privately, teachers also have little control over who or what they teach. For example, for some reason I connected and excelled working with middle-aged and older people, but I had to teach everyone my company told me to - which meant children from pre-K through high school.
The lessons became so rote and boring, and the number of lessons I had to teach daily was so high, that it was difficult to bring excitement into a class - especially when you had 8 classes a day at the eikaiwa I worked at.


Nuke It From Orbit: 22 Years and 1 Bankruptcy Later It’s Still In the Same Kyoto Office Building (source: author)
Honestly, unless you are at heart an ESL teacher, I don’t recommend the job. It’s not fair to your students, and it gets boring quite quickly - especially the way it is taught at the eikaiwa companies.


Thankfully it looks like Japan is expanding the offerings to foreign workers, but the jobs require Japanese skills. It’s a fair trade: you learn Japanese and they’ll let you do jobs that don’t involve teaching English. The demand for English is also down, so the fewer jobs can be snapped up by the minority that enjoys the job.
Everybody wins.


Yep - On the Tokyo Subway, 10/31/2019 (author)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处
1. David W. Rudlin
I would add that everybody who comes here goes through a 6–12 month adjustment period once the initial excitement wears off. During that stage, everything about Japan is wrong, and everything about the home country better. This is high season for moaning, regardless of profession. Since many eikawa teachers tend to be short-term, and numerically they dominate the “management” of language schools, they set the tone for the company as a whole.
William Stonerock
Spot on! I''ve been in Tokyo for over 20 years. Part of my job (not an English school) is training new employees who tend to be new to Japan. The honeymoon is usually over by the time we hire them and I''ve had plenty leave around the 1 year mark. It tends to happen again around the 3 year mark, especially for women who can''t find a relationship.


If I may be honest, not much is expected in the eikaiwa industry. In fact, some eikawa schools do not expect students to learn English. Their expectations are for Japanese persons to sit down with non Japanese persons in a close distance so the Japanese people will not be shocked to see foreigners. I do not know if this descxtion has upset you. I do not mean it.
In the eikawa industry, what is practiced is perhaps not language education but something less than commendable. In an environment like this, good teachers are to be expelled.
Is there any future in an industry like this? No.
It is good that you have left the world like that.

Scott Kerwin Original Author
You point out an important feature of eikaiwa: exposure to foreigners. There’s nothing wrong with Japanese paying to meet foreigners and have “lessons.” I suppose it’s not much different than the hostess industry where women are paid to converse with salarymen.
In that regard the more entertaining and, let’s face it, prettier one is the better one will do in the field. You have to see it for what it is.
Sean Gerow
I’ve lived in Japan about 12 years now. My friend always said he was amazed how many people spend 12 hours in an airplane then seem to expect everything to be just like home when they arrive.
You get a lot of “Why do they do this thing, here that I’m not used to?” “Why don’t they have this thing that’s common in my country?”
There are a lot of legitimate complaints to be had, but most of he really vocal complainers, in my experience, are complaining that Japan isn’t exactly like their country or about fairly imaginary things.
In the past five years I’ve noticed more people showing up with more knowledge and interest in Japanese pop culture and language then when I first arrived 12ish years ago and certainly when I was here the first time 20 years ago. 12 years ago it was more people on a short term adventure post-university and 20 years ago it was that and a lot of the guys who gave foreigners teaching English a bad name.
Japanese (and Asian in general) pop culture is much more mainstream then it was when I was young, I guess.

3. Katherine Heasley
Agreed. I’ve also known quite a few who came to Japan because they’re Japanophiles—from a distance. The reality sets in quickly. I spent a few months exhausted all the time because the added mental labor of living in a foreign country and being functionally illiterate was like a second job. Maybe a third. Fortunately, I liked being a teacher, so I was able to slog my way through it. The adjustment period is tough. I’ve done it twice—once in Japan, and once in China. Once the honeymoon’s over, you either like your job and the place you live or you don’t. If you don’t, it’s best to get out as soon as you can.
完全同意啊。我就认识挺多因为距离产生美,没切身体验过但很喜爱日本文化而来日的人。 现实的打击来得很快。因为在异国生活和已经都快像是我第二份还是第三份工作的,要在脑内思考转换所见文字信息的大量脑力劳动,我只几个月人就疲惫不堪筋疲力尽了。万幸的是,我喜欢老师这个工作,所以我能坚持下去,很是艰难地熬过去了。调整适应期真是太艰苦了。我有过两次这样的经历——一次是在日本,另一次是在中国。一旦‘蜜月期’结束,你要么喜欢你的工作和所生活的地方,要么讨厌。如果你不喜欢的话,最好就赶快离开。


At that point I had given up trying to explain to them. One teacher got mad when I told her that “ hello how are you? I''m fine thank you” isnt right or natural. I LIVED IN CALIFORNIA FOR 3 YEARS!! I KNOW IT''S RIGHT!! 3 whole years, huh? Well I''ve been speaking the language for 37. I think i have a slightly better handle on what is or isn''t natural. One Elementary school I worked in expressed concern because if I asked “what color is it?” and the student answered “EETSU… BURAKKU!” Nope. That''s wrong. EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH??!! They figured out quickly that I was their ENGLISH teacher not their Japanglish teacher. Waito and red-do aren''t words in my language.

