

340.Who is in charge here?這裡誰負責?

341.Would you care for a drink?你要不要來點兒喝的?

342.Would you do me a favor?你能幫我一個忙嗎?

343.You are just saying that.你只是說說而已。

344.You are kidding.你開玩笑吧。

345.You are so considerate.你真有心。

346.You can count on me.你可以指望我。

347.You can say that again.我同意。

348.You can't complain.你該知足了。

349.You deserve it.這是你應得的。

350.You did a good job.你乾得很好。

351.You get what you pay for.一分錢一分貨。

352.You got a good deal.你買得真便宜。

353.You need a vacation.你需要休息。

354.You never know.世事難料。

355.You said it.你算說對了。

356.You should give it a try.你應該試一試。

357.You should take advantage of it.你應該好好利用這個機會。

358.You will be better off.你的狀況會好起來的。

359.You will have to wait and see.你得等一等看。

360.You'll get used to it.你會習慣的。

