

Dr. Sun Yat Sen is a great national hero and a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution. The revolution of 1911 initiated and led by him completely overthrows the rule of the feudal dynasty which lasted for more than 2000 years in China. In order to let the world remember the great achievements of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, silver coins with the head of Dr. Sun Yat-sen engraved in various formats were issued during the period of the Republic of China. On the front is the statue of Sun Yat-sen, on the back is a golden sun, and in the middle is a sailing boat. In 1933 and 1934, the government of the Republic of China cast the statue of Sun Yat-sen on the front and a sailing boat on the back, commonly known as "boat ocean". In 1935, the Central Mint of the government of the Republic of China produced a batch of silver coins of sun Yat-sen. in March 1949, the Central Mint of the government of the Republic of China made coins. The factory made the last batch of one yuan silver coins engraved with Sun Yat Sen on the front and sailboat on the back.



In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, sailboat coins were made of precious metals, with much less production than copper and paper coins. In addition, due to the social unrest in the period of the Republic of China, there was little left in the world, much less than the number of stamps and commemorative coins currently issued. It can be predicted that this kind of sailboat silver dollar will become a ready black horse in the collection field.

此枚“民国二十三年壹圆双帆币”正面镌刻孙中山先生侧面头像,上方镌“中华民国二十三年”,背面镌双桅帆船在乘风破浪前进,左右分列“壹圆”币值。此钱币饱含沧桑之感,锈迹斑斑反而不会让人觉 得陈旧,我们依然可以看出这对钱币的银质斑驳苍古的“包浆”,这便是自然形成的"时间印记"。

This "one yuan two sail coin of the 23rd year of the Republic of China" is engraved with the side portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen on the obverse, the "23rd year of the Republic of China" on the top, and the two masted sailboats on the back are sailing forward in the wind and waves, with the value of "one yuan" on the left and right. This coin is full of the sense of vicissitudes. The rust will not make people feel old. We can still see that the silver of this pair of coins is mottled with the ancient "slurry", which is the "time stamp" naturally formed.


中华民国二十三年双帆币 (正面)

在币面的设计方面,中华民国二十三年孙中山双帆币更像是凝聚着千百名工艺技师的智慧源泉和美学独特视角。钱币整体呈现出光亮的银色,正面镌刻着伟大的革命者孙中山先生的正面头像,上方印制着“中华民国二十三年”几个小字,背面则精刻双桅帆船,左右分别显示着“壹圆”币值,币面整体造型和谐,图案设计精美,设计新颖,铸工精湛。该钱体表面几乎不见锈色,但钱体通过光线的对照及折射,仍渗透出该币银质斑驳苍古的“包浆”,是自然形成的“时间的轨迹”之再现In terms of coin design, Sun Yat Sen's double sail coin in the 23rd year of the Republic of China is more like the wisdom source and aesthetic unique perspective of thousands of craftsmen. The whole coin presents a bright silver color, with the obverse engraved with the head image of the great revolutionary sun Yat-sen. on the obverse, the small characters of "the 23rd year of the Republic of China" are printed on the top, and the back is engraved with a schooner, showing the value of "one yuan" on the left and right respectively. The overall shape of the coin is harmonious, the pattern design is exquisite, the design is novel, and the foundry is exquisite.There is almost no rust on the surface of the coin, but through the contrast and refraction of light, the coin still permeates the silver mottled ancient "slurry", which is the reproduction of the naturally formed "track of time"


中华民国二十三年双帆币 (背面)


According to relevant materials, at that time, the Kuomintang government carried out the "legal currency" policy in China, taking the paper money issued by the central bank, the Bank of China and the Bank of communications as the legal currency. All silver was owned by the state, and the legal currency was exchanged within a time limit, and the private circulation of silver yuan currency was not allowed. Therefore, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, the silver money with Sun Yat Sen's head as the pattern was circulated in Dang. When the market is very few, it seems precious, very valuable.

