

Langsning, an Italian, was born in Milan, Italy. In 1715, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, he came to China as a monk of the Catholic Jesuit Church to preach. Then he entered Ruyi hall and became one of the top ten palace painters in the Qing Dynasty. After the three dynasties of Kang, Yong and Qian, he was engaged in painting in China for more than 50 years and participated in the design of the western building in the Yuanmingyuan It greatly influenced the palace painting and aesthetic taste of Qing Dynasty after Kangxi.



This collection has strong muscles, round abdomen and slightly large nostrils. The straight line of the horse leg is thin and powerful, just like a steel knife, which is powerful through the back of paper. The arc of the abdomen, buttocks and mane is very elastic and dynamic. On the whole, the perspective of the picture is strong. Ma Xiongjun in the picture is vigorous and healthy with light illness. It has the aesthetic feeling of "thin bone and copper sound", which is full of vitality. The horses he painted are not only the shapes in western paintings, but also the freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese paintings. They are full of Chinese and Western paintings. Its strong, vigorous and vigorous steed gives people the symbol of freedom and strength, and encourages people to be positive. The collection is very precious and valuable


