


今天,2019冠状病毒病已蔓延至全球211个国家和地区。许多人仅仅因为国籍或种族的原因,遭到无端谩骂、骚扰和排斥。排斥华人、亚裔的事件在世界各地的新闻报道中数见不鲜。@联合国教科文组织 牵头和联合国驻华机构共同发起倡议,反对与新冠病毒全球大流行相关的任何形式的歧视、种族主义和排外心理!当我们身处异国他乡,我们是访客、是游人、是学生、是商人、是艺术家、是学者、是外交人员、是科学家、是难民、是运动员、是移民、是朋友……我们不应成为排外的目标! #你我同为人类# #我不是病毒# #反对排外#

The COVID-19 pandemic has now spread to 211 countries, areas, and territories. In many places, people are being blamed, harassed or excluded only because of their nationality or ethnicity. A large number of cases of anti-Chinese/Asian sentiment has been reported all over the world. @UNESCO and UN in China oppose any form of discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the response to the pandemic! When we are outside of our communities, we are there to contribute as visitors, tourists, students, businesspeople, artists, scholars, diplomats, scientists, refugees, athletes, immigrants, friends... and should not become targets of xenophobia!

