

A Star Swimmer’s Doping Hearing Gets Lost in Translation




During questioning on Friday, Sun, dressed in a navy suit and polka dot tie, delivered statements that often sounded unrelated to what he was being asked.

“You couldn’t tell if he was being monumentally evasive or if he couldn’t understand the questions,” said Richard Young, an American lawyer making WADA’s closing argument. “It was hard to tell because the translation was so bad.”

在周五的质询上,身着正装、打着圆点领带的孙杨的陈述经常听起来和事件毫无关联。 “你无法分辨到底是他故意躲避问题,还是无法理解质询。根本就听不出来,因为翻译太烂了!”反兴奋剂组织WADA的美方律师RICHARD YOUND在做总结发言时说道。

Sun’s legal team had chosen the first translator, but there was confusion from each side on what was being said almost immediately. Halfway through the hearing, both sides agreed to replace the first translator with Ying Cui, a Chinese WADA official who also speaks English.

孙杨的律师团队先选择了第一顺位的翻译员,但因为互传的翻译过程有太多问题,双方都在中场休息时同意替换为另一名翻译人员——反兴奋剂组织WADA的中方官员崔莹(YING CUI音译),她也能讲英语。

