



4月27日,牛津大學商學院學者Ken Okamura與美國達拉斯聯邦儲備銀行研究員Chritoffer Koch共同撰寫了一篇名為“本福特定律和新冠疫情數據報告” 的論文,揭示了三個有關疫情數據的重要結論:




As the coronavirus has swept across the globe, different kinds of conspiracies about the virus have come about. After rumors that the “coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan virology institute” and “coronavirus originated in Wuhan” were proved to be false by scientific studies, the groundless accusation that “China concealed the extent of coronavirus outbreak” was smashed by a recent study.

When the official data from China is checked, there seems to be "no evidence of manipulation," says a pre-released research paper by experts from Oxford University, as well as a paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas released on Monday.

The paper came to three conclusions:

“We find no evidence of manipulation of Chinese COVID-19 data using Benford’s Law;

Models on the trade-off between growth and deaths can be calibrated with Chinese data;

Future Chinese data post-quarantine should guide policy in other countries.”


Confirmed cases in Chinese provinces, U.S. states and Italian regions /Screenshot from SSRN





Koch and Okamura collected China's data from Johns Hopkins University's Corona Virus Research Center, which is freely available online, and compared it with the numbers for the U.S. and Italy. It turned out that these three sets of data matched with the expectation of Benford's Law. "Thus we reject the hypothesis that the Chinese data has been manipulated," concluded the paper.

The paper also pointed out that “Skepticism about the Chinese data may result – and may already have resulted – in poor policy choices or result in the public not accepting policy decisions to the detriment of society.” It stated that lack of confidence in the Chinese data may have led to “a slower response in Europe to the emergent pandemic” since “Chinese data from February had already shown the effectiveness of the quarantine measures in slowing the progress of the disease”.

This paper is currently under review by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN).




同日,美國總統特朗普在疫情簡報會上說,“中國的數據看起來有點少,我這麼說都是委婉的。” 暗示中國政府瞞報疫情數據。



Malicious accusations saying “China concealed the extent of coronavirus outbreak” never cease.

On April 1, an article on Bloomberg said that U.S. Intelligence delivered a classified report to the White House, claiming that “China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease”.

On the same day, U.S. President Donald Trump doubted the transparency of the Chinese government’s handling of the pandemic by saying “Their numbers seem to be a little bit on the light side, and I’m being nice when I say that”.

On April 16, Reuters reported that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “stressed to China’s top diplomat the need for full transparency and information sharing to fight against the coronavirus outbreak”.

Besides, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron respectively expressed their doubts about the Chinese government’s transparency in dealing with the pandemic. Macron even said that "There are clearly things that have happened that we don't know about".






U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attacked China again on April 28, saying “The CPC needs to be transparent” in a tweet. In this end, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying fought back on Twitter, and raised doubt upon the transparency of the U.S. government by saying “Why not ask US experts to locate when the virus first started in the US?”


正如世衛組織總幹事譚德塞所說,“所有政黨的焦點應該是挽救民眾的生命,” 而不是把病毒政治化。

The coronavirus is a common enemy of humankind. Unity and joint efforts are required to defeat this invisible rival. It is not the time for blame games or playing politics.

As Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the WHO said, the focus of all political parties should be saving people’s lives, instead of politicizing the virus.

