The least you can do is not humiliate us.(絕望主婦204)

Bree: "Andrew! You are not leaving the house dressed like that."


Andrew: "I'm, I'm just gonna meet some of the guys at the swim club."


Bree: "I don't care. Here, put this on. Every time you leave this house, you represent this family. And the least you can do is not humiliate us."


Andrew: "A ripped T-shirt is just a look."


Bree: "Yes. A bad one. I hope you haven't made plans for tomorrow night."


Andrew: "Look, if you think I'm having dinner with the pharmacist, you're crazy."

如果你 認為我會和那個藥劑師一起共進晚餐,你肯定使瘋了。

Bree: "Part of the reason I'm having him over is so that you can get to know him."


Andrew: "Yeah, well, I don't want to get to know him."


Bree: "Honey, the feelings that you're having are perfectly normal, but George isn't trying to take your father's place. He's, well, he's just a friend."


Andrew: "Really? Just a friend? So you're not planning on getting more serious with this guy in the future?"


Bree: "You know, I haven't even thought about it."


Andrew: "

You're so transparent, it's pathetic. You're worried about a ripped T-shirt humiliating this family? Wait 'till people see that you're dating the town nerd less than a month after your husband's funeral."


Bree: "I'll be serving dinner tomorrow at seven. Please don't be late."


Andrew: "Sorry, but, I already have plans."


Bree: "Andrew, don't you have a meet at the swim club?"


Andrew: "Yeah. So?"


Bree: "Doesn't it require a large entrance fee? One that you can't afford by yourself?"


Andrew: "Are you blackmailing

me into coming to dinner?"


Bree: "Oh, you don't know the lengths I'd go to for even seating."


  • You are not leaving the house dressed like that.
  • sb. be dressed like: 打扮得(或穿得)像…表某人穿著狀態,做狀語,be 省略。下面put on: 穿上,表動作。
  • And the least you can do is not humiliate us.
  • you can do 定語從句 ,前面省略了關係詞that,修飾先行詞 the least ,字面意思:你能做的最少的事情是
  • 英語不定式做表語時,前面出現了do, did ,does ,done ,表語不定式符號省略。 not (to) humiliate us. humiliate: 羞辱
  • A ripped T-shirt is just a look. rip v.(突然或猛烈地) 撕破,裂開; 猛地扯開; 突然拉開; ripped 過去分詞作定語 look: 名詞 :樣子,外表
  • Part of the reason I'm having him over. I'm having him over.是定語從句修飾the reason,關係副詞why省略。 have sb. over 把某人請到家裡來
  • serious adj.需認真思考的; 嚴肅的 get serious with somebody”(跟某人正式交往,通常是以長期發展為前提的)
  • You're so transparent. It's pathetic. transparent: 透明的 易識破的; 易看穿的; 顯而易見的pathetic: 可悲的 sb. be transparent 指一個人不善於隱藏,掩飾自己的情感想法被人一眼看穿,被識破。
  • Doesn't it require a large entrance fee? One that you can't afford by yourself?"
  • 這裡兩句合起來翻譯:好像你自己並沒有能力負擔高額的入會費用吧?
  • 前一句:這不是需要一大筆/高額的入會費嗎。one指代 a large entrance fee ,afford 負擔得起時間金錢做某事 by oneself 獨自
  • Oh, you don't know the lengths I'd go to for even seating.
  • 你不知道我會為每個座位安排費盡心機吧。
  • go to great/any length(s) to do sth./for th. 想盡一切辦法,竭盡全力,費盡心機,千方百計做某事Oh, you don't know the lengths (that省略)定語從句 I'd go to for even seating.

The least you can do is not humiliate us.(絕望主婦204)

  • Bree: "Andrew! You are not leaving the house dressed like that."
  • Andrew: "I'm, I'm just gonna meet some of the guys at the swim club."
  • Bree: "I don't care. Here, put this on. Every time you leave this house, you represent this family. And the least you can do is not humiliate us."
  • (Andrew removes the ripped shirt and puts on the shirt Bree hands him.)
  • Andrew: "A ripped T-shirt is just a look."
  • Bree: "Yes. A bad one. I hope you haven't made plans for tomorrow night."
  • Andrew: "Look, if you think I'm having dinner with the pharmacist, you're crazy."
  • Bree: "Part of the reason I'm having him over is so that you can get to know him."
  • Andrew: "Yeah, well, I don't want to get to know him."
  • Bree: "Honey, the feelings that you're having are perfectly normal, but George isn't trying to take your father's place. He's, well, he's just a friend."
  • Andrew: "Really? Just a friend? So you're not planning on getting more serious with this guy in the future?"
  • Bree: "You know, I haven't even thought about it."
  • Andrew: "You're so transparent, it's pathetic. You're worried about a ripped T-shirt humiliating this family? Wait 'till people see that you're dating the town nerd less than a month after your husband's funeral."
  • Bree: "I'll be serving dinner tomorrow at seven. Please don't be late."
  • Andrew: "Sorry, but, I already have plans."
  • Bree: "Andrew, don't you have a meet at the swim club?"
  • Andrew: "Yeah. So?"
  • Bree: "Doesn't it require a large entrance fee? One that you can't afford by yourself?"
  • Andrew: "Are you blackmailing me into coming to dinner?"
  • Bree: "Oh, you don't know the lengths I'd go to for even seating."

安德魯: 如果你 認為我會和那個藥劑師一起共進晚餐,你肯定使瘋了。
布里: 我邀請他過來的原因也是希望你對他有所瞭解。


