

  Who can get a work permit as the spouse or common-law partner of a student?



  Your spouse or common-law partner may be eligible for an open work permit if you


  A,have a valid study permit and 學生持有合法的學習簽證;

  B,are a full-time student at one of these types of schools 學生是全日制學習狀態,且所在學校屬於以下幾種:

  a public post-secondary school, such as a college or university, or CEGEP in Quebec 公立高等教育學校,如學院,大學,或魁北克的大學預科;

  a private college-level school in Quebec 魁北克地區的私立學院級別學校;

  a Canadian private school that can legally award degrees under provincial law (for example, Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate degree) 可根據各省法律規定允許授予學位的加拿大私立學校,如學士學位,碩士或博士學位;

  C,How long it takes to get an open work permit 多久才能拿到工作簽證?

  Processing an open work permit usually takes several months. There are many factors that can affect the processing time. 審理開放性工籤,通常需要幾個月時間。影響處理時間的因素很多。

  D,How long is the open work permit valid for? 開放性工籤的有效期是多久?

  Your spouse or common-law partner’s work permit will be valid for the same period of time as your study permit. 工作簽證申請人的有效期和申請人配偶的學生簽證有效期相同。

