

  1. “新冠肺炎病毒重创美国经济,导致美国之前所创造的新就业岗位,在一月之间消失殆尽”,这句该如何地道表达?

◢ 对于“消失殆尽”,我们可能会说gone,disappear或者evaporated;对于"重创",我们可能会说hit,damage等

但Economist则分别用了 wiped out savage来表达“消失殆尽”和“重创”,用词十分地道大胆,用出savage的修辞意义。

▍A record of 26 million Americans likely sought unemployment benefits over the last five weeks, confirming that all the jobs created during the longest employment boom in U.S. history were wiped out in about a month as the novel Coronavirus savages the economy.


  1. “在新冠肺炎已使近50000美国人丧命和导致每6个人就有1个人失业情况下,本周四,美国国会拨款近5000亿新冠肺炎专项资金,紧急入场,以帮助和缓解在疫情之下岌岌可危的美国雇主和负重不堪的医院。”

◢ 对于“美国的企业主和医院在新冠肺炎疫情的摧残下,企业经营状况急剧恶化、裁员盛行;医疗系统高负荷运作,苦不堪言”这层意思,该如何地道表达呢?如果直接对译,可能要写上一大段,让我们来看看《Economist》是如何用一个词,最简洁、地道地来表达这一意思!

Buckle: If something buckles, it becomes bent as a result of very great heat or force. 某物因外部极大的力量或热力,而弯曲。《Economist》通过buckle的修辞义,来表达“美国企业主和医院在新冠疫情面前被打趴下,负重屈服”

Congress delivered a nearly $500 billion infusion of coronavirus spending Thursday, rushing new relief to employers and hospitals buckling under the strain of a pandemic that has claimed almost 50,000 American lives and one in six U.S. jobs.


  1. 餐馆饭店食堂等的堂食,该怎么说?

◢ 在新冠肺炎的影响下,很多饭店都禁止堂食,只提供外卖服务,那么“堂食”和“外卖”服务,该如何用英语地道表达呢?其实,“堂食服务”的表达极其简单,两个单词我们每个人都会,但就是联想不到“堂食服务”。

“堂食服务”:我们可以直接将其翻译成 eating in the restaurant, 但《Economist》的表达是sit-down service,更简洁地道。

▍Under an order by Georgia's Republican Governor Brian Kemp, barbershops, gyms, nail salons and tattoo parlors will be able to open on Friday, with restaurants able to open for sit-down service on Monday.




■ 外卖:takeout或者takeaway

■ 叫外卖:order takeaway

■ 美团骑手:a courier for Meituan, a delivery company

■ 取餐:pickup

■ 打包:Can I get a doggy bag?或者说Could you give me a doggy bag?




