
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:zmmyc 轉載請註明出處

What are you exceptionally good at, but hate doing?


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:zmmyc 轉載請註明出處
Data entry. I can type very fast and very accurately, but it’s the most mindless task with zero creativity.
Data entry is a gateway to the creative world of data analysis, full of such rich creative choices as "should I use a stacked bar chart, or a stacked percentage chart?" "Do I want to show this data by day or clustered by week?" & "what shade of grey is best for this data?"
數據輸入是通往數據創造性分析世界的門戶,充滿了一些創造性選擇,比如“我應該使用一個堆疊的條形圖,還是一個堆疊的百分比圖? ” “我想按天顯示這些數據還是按周顯示這些數據? ”還有 ”什麼程度的灰色最適合這些數據? ”
I love stuff like that. A steady job that requires very little thought but simple repetitive action, especially if I can just chill with some tunes while I work. You’re living the dream.


At work:
I clean as I go. Organised, tidy, tools cleaned and sorted. And I know where everything is - every bolt, drillbit, spanner, item of test equipment, oil can, widget, useful piece of ''scrap'' material. If anyone wants to know where anything is, they ask me.
我邊走邊打掃。整理,整潔,工具清潔和分類。我知道所有的東西在哪裡——每一個螺栓,鑽頭,扳手,測試設備的項目,油罐,掛件,有用的“廢料”。 如果有人想知道任何東西在哪裡,他們會問我。
At home:
Fuck it, I''ll vacuum tomorrow. No clean mugs? That one''s not so bad, I''ll just rinse it out.
媽的,我明天肯定會打掃。沒有乾淨的馬克杯? 那個不錯,我把它沖洗乾淨。
One end of the kitchen counter is for mail - the other day I found an unopened letter from 2016. With a £50 discount voucher in it (that would actually have been useful to me at the time!).
廚房櫃檯的一端是用來放信件的——有一天,我發現了一封2016年的未開封的信。 裡面還有一張50英鎊的折扣券(這在當時對我很有用!) .
I''ve definitely seen the lawn thing- neighbors who do it for a living but their own place is fairly shit. Who wants to work when they get off work?
我確實見過這種的事情——鄰居以為客戶打理草坪為生,但是他們自己家的草坪打理的就像一坨屎。 下班後誰還想工作?
rmshilpi Rmsilpi
I am very good at handling children...which is ironic because I don''t particularly like kids.
我很擅長照顧小孩... ... 諷刺的是,我不是特別喜歡小孩。
Same. Kids enjoy my company, but I really, really not enjoy theirs.

They''re like cats - the less you like them, the more they like you.
I don''t talk down to kids or use simplified language. Most kids really like being talked with like an equal. I imagine that people who don''t particularly like kids would do the same.
I''m the same. I decided when I was around 14 or 15 I didn''t want kids. 20+ years later I still don''t want kids. But when I was younger I was constantly told "oh but you''re so goooooooood with kids... you''ll make a great mother one day!" Nope. I''m great with kids for a few hours... but then I want only to give them back to their parents.
我也是。 在我14或15歲的時候,我決定不要孩子。 20多年過去了,我還是不想要孩子。在我年輕的時候,經常有人對我說“哦,你和孩子們相處的太好了... ... 總有一天你會成為一個偉大的母親的! ” 沒有。我只能和孩子們安穩相處幾個小時... ... 之後我只想盡快把他們還給他們的父母。


I''m always early, and I hate it. But I''m only early bc I''m always paranoid I''m going to be late so I leave really early.
P0sitive_Outlook P0sitive outlook
I tell my friends i''ll be there at 6pm. We''re going out at 6.30. At 6.35 they start turning up while i''ve already been there for half an hour. >:S
我告訴我的朋友我會在下午6點到那裡。我們約定六點半一起出發。6:35他們才開始陸續到達,而我已經在那裡等半個小時了 : s
I listened to a Japanese business etiquette speaker while having my internship in Tokyo. She talked about her personal preference when it comes to punctuality. It was crazy for me and for a lot of Japanese people.
e.g. If there is a meeting appointment,
Be in/around the building one hour prior. This way even public transportation is late, you can still make most meetings with ease.
Be in the city 24 hours prior if traveling.
That was a little extreme even for Japanese people.
What is usually expected are
Be in/around the building 15 minutes prior. hang around and adjust your pace for the meeting, maybe go through the material again. Don’t ask for meeting then, because 15 min prior is too early and it disturbs the other people’s schedule.

Knock on the door/ask the front desk 5 min prior the meeting so that you can be led to the meeting room and ready to start on the designated meeting time.
This is one of the things i am good at and also love; however my wife hates it.
準時也是我擅長也是我喜歡的事情之一, 但我的妻子討厭準時。
"Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable."
Move to Germany. Or if you want the premium experience, Switzerland. Even the trains are on time in Switzerland, or so they say.
MrsSpuncrusha Sspuncrusha
Public speaking.
I am an introvert, and I do safety training for my company. Comprehension has gone up drastically, and I have done quite a few talks on how to use science to make safety fun in my industry.
But after, I have to shut myself in a hole for at least three hours to get myself back to center, because it is so exhausting to me. I have to sort of be a different person, and doing that is mentally draining.
Yeah it''s weird, I''m one of those people who has trouble holding a normal conversation with somebody (apart from people that I know of course), but if I''m giving a public speech or presentation, suddenly everybody pays attention to me and seems to respect my insight a lot. I''ve made some friends and contacts solely because they''ve witnessed me giving a speech and been impressed by the performance.
是的,很奇怪,我是那種很難和別人進行正常對話的人(當然除了那些我認識的人) ,但是如果我做一個公開演講或者報告,突然之間所有人都關注我,並且似乎很尊重我的見解。通過演講,

I just get more confident and talk with a "I know what I''m talking about" voice when I can actually talk about a specific topic with some authority.
Then someone random comes up to me and asks "so tell me about yourself" and I''m suddenly totally clueless on what they''re after.
演講後,突然一個人走到我面前,問我“告訴我關於你自己的事情” ,我突然完全不知道他們想要什麼。
So after presentations I always have this "huh what just happened" moment, even though I''ve done a lot of them.
This is a great example of the distinction between introvert and shy.
This is so refreshing to hear. A portion of my job involves public speaking and for the longest time I didn’t understand why, after I was finished presenting at a training session or a professional development symposium I’d have to go hide. Just get away from everyone else. People are always, “Wow that was amazing.” And, “I need to pick your brain.” And I’m like, I just need to go curl up in a ball now. Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone.
聽到這個消息真讓人耳目一新。我的一部分工作就包括公眾演講,很長一段時間我都不明白為什麼,當我在做完一個培訓會議或者在職業發展研討會上完成演講後,我只想找個地方躲起來,儘量離其他人遠點。 人們總是說,“哇,太神奇了。” 還有,“我需要你的建議。” 我現在只想蜷縮成一團。 謝謝你讓我知道我並不孤單。
Being nice to customers.


I am phenomenal at customer services, but I perform it as an out of body task. If I zoom back in and listen to myself, I’m usually disgusted
我在客戶服務方面非常出色,但是我把它當作一項靈魂出竅的任務來完成。 如果我返回去,聽聽自己說的話,我通常會覺得噁心
Fixing Computers.
Please stop asking me to fix your computer for free.

Can you come over and download the RAM for me?
Ask for money for "spare parts" :D
提供“備件”需要錢: d
I feel this so hard. I used to love it, and got good at it, so I got asked for help constantly. And it''s not so much that I mind helping, or even that I''m doing it for free, but it was my job and I am very keen on that whole work/life separation thing. So the one thing I wanted to stop thinking about after I got home was the thing I got bugged about the most. It seems selfish in retrospect, but fuck''s sake I do not want to listen to you yammer on about your damned computer for 2 hours after having done it for 8 hours already.
9 times out of 10, it''s a problem that can be easily fixed by Googling it too!
10次遇到的電腦問題中有9次可以很容易地通過 google 來解決!
I like fixing computers but I HATE fixing printers,
I have a business degree and this automatically qualifies me as the IT person at work. 75% of the time I reboot the computers and it fixes said problems.
我有一個商業學位,這自然使我成為工作中的 IT 人員。 75%的電腦問題都可以通過重啟電腦來解決。
Jesus christ I''m a software engineer that built my first computer when i was ~11. I''ve had people ask me to fix their networks before, like I don''t know dick about networks go pay for a network engineer or google your problem.
老天爺,我是一個軟件工程師,在我11歲的時候建造了我的第一臺電腦。 以前也有人讓我幫忙修復他們的網絡,其實我對網絡一竅不通,花錢去找個網絡工程師或者谷歌一下你的問題吧。

Same here. I worked in IT for 7 years and hated it so much that I quit and started carrying mail at the post office just to get outside and away from computers. My boss at usps found out I knew how to fix computers so he would try to get me to fix his work computer instead of calling the IT Dept so I told him $50, cash, upfront. He eventually went for it and all his comp needed was a reboot. He bitched about it and told em he could''ve done that but I told him that he didn''t, he paid me $50 to do it for him instead of him calling IT. I got $50 and he stopped asking, win-win.
我也是。我在 IT 行業工作了7年,對這種事情討厭至極,以至於我都辭職了,開始在郵局處理郵件,只是為了出門遠離電腦。 我在 usps 的老闆發現我會修電腦,他就讓我修他的工作電腦,而不是打電話給 IT 部門,我告訴他修理需要預付現金50美元。他最後把錢給我了,我把電腦重啟問題就解決了。他向我抱怨這件事,並告訴我他也可以做到這一點,但我告訴他,他沒有。他付給我50美元為他做這件事,而不是直接打電話給 IT。 我得到了50美元,他也不再提需求了,這不就是雙贏嘛。
The only computers I fix anymore outside of my house is my wife''s grandma. She''s very good about asking and she pays me in pies!

