The transcripts show striking patterns and repetitions in the messages he has conveyed, revealing a display of presidential hubris and self-pityunlike anything historians say they have seen before.
hubris /ˈhjuːbrɪs/:傲慢
The self-regard, the credit-taking, the audacious rewriting of recent history to cast himself as the hero of the pandemicrather than the president who was slow to respond: Such have been the defining features of Mr. Trump’s use of the bully pulpit during the coronavirus outbreak.
bully pulpit:名望讲坛(能提供机会阐明自己观点的重要公职);此处特指美国总统一职
截至目前,特朗普疫情相关的发言中最常表达的就是自吹自擂(self-congratulations),出现了大约600次,同时也常常伴随着夸大其词和虚假信息(exaggerations and falsehoods),而他展现同理心或者呼吁全国团结的话语只占到他夸奖自己或其团队的四分之一。
Mr. Trump’s attempts to display empathy or appeal to national unity (about 160 instances) amount to only a quarter of the number of times he complimented himself or a top member of his team.
► 在3月19日的疫情发布会上,特朗普表扬了美国药监局局长史蒂芬·哈恩(Stephen Hahn):
“He’s worked, like, probably as hard or harder than anybody,” Mr. Trump said. Then he corrected himself: “Other than maybe Mike Pence — or me.”
► 4月17日,特朗普夸赞自己一月底对中国实行的旅行禁令:
I did a ban on China. You think that was easy? I then did a ban on Europe. And a lot of people saidthat was an incredible thing to do…
《纽约时报》称,在他的描述中,这项禁令仿佛是一个“他以一己之力对抗全世界”的英勇举动(a heroic me-against-the world struggle),他还夸张地说自己因此拯救了“成千上万,甚至数十万的生命”(having saved “tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of lives”)。
伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校研究美国总统和政客语言特色的约翰·墨菲(John Murphy)教授称,大多数总统都会避免直接往自己脸上贴金,因为他们喜欢让美国人自己得出结论,把国家的成功和总统的英明领导联系在一起。
Dr. Murphy said that most presidents avoid taking personal credit because they appreciate the fact that Americans can draw the connection themselves between presidential leadership and the country’s successes.
不过特朗普就没有这么含蓄了(With Mr. Trump, there is no such subtlety)。
“The level of self-congratulations that occurs every day at these press conferences is unprecedented,” Dr. Murphy added.
美国研究政治话语(political rhetoric)的历史学家珍妮弗·摩西卡(Jennifer Mercieca)则认为,特朗普在疫情肆虐的当下自吹自擂,是在错误的时间做了不该做的事情。
Trump's primary goal is to spread good news and information and market the Trump brand: "Trump is great. The Trump brand is great. The Trump presidency is great". It's not the right time or place to do that.
Speaks falsely or exaggerates
► 3月10日,疫情在美国刚刚有暴发迹象时,特朗普说美国的检测能力完全足够:
When the professionals need a test, when they need tests for people, they can get the test. It's gone really well.
► 4月23日,在听说消毒液杀死病毒非常有效后更是提出虚假且危险的治疗建议:
And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.
He has claimed falsely that he always responded quickly and assertively when, in fact, he repeatedly played down the seriousness of the virus.
Blame Others
► 3月17日,特朗普突然在疫情通报会上称该病毒为“中国病毒”:
I would like to begin by announcing some important developments in our war against the Chinese virus.
► 在4月8号又将矛头指向世卫组织,称它偏袒中国,应对迟缓:
They’ve been wrong on a lot of things… They seemed to be very China-centric… They missed the call, they could call it months earlier. They would have known and they should have known and they probably did known, so we will look into that very carefully.
► 在4月13日,特朗普继续抨击美国媒体的报道为假新闻:
We did all this work, but when you read the phony stories, you—nobody—nobody acknowledge this.
Lacks Empathy to Human Toll
► 比如在4月3日和16日,他说:
I want to start by saying that our hearts go out to the people of New York as they bear the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic in America.
We’ve marshaled every instrument of American power, and we’ve unleashed our most potent weapon of all: the courage of the American people.
But his laments about the virus’s economic toll are far more common than remarks about the human toll.
德克萨斯大学的政治演讲专家罗德里克·哈特(Roderick P. Hart)接受采访时说,他从特朗普的发言里面读不到那种“我属于这场人类共同灾难中的一员”的感觉,而这种感觉代表了一种能够和那些不幸的人产生共情的能力 。
It's what's not there — that sense of, "I'm part of the human condition," the ability to empathize with the downtrodden and the afflicted — that’s what’s so important.”
At 260,000 words and counting, enough to fill a 700-page book, Mr. Trump has been writing his own history of the virus, one that is favorable to him, settles scores and is often at odds with the facts.
来源:纽约时报 环球时报 央视新闻
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