
Notre-Dame's great bell tolls once more on anniversary of fire


●Notre-Dame 巴黎聖母院;

●great bell 大鐘(伊曼紐爾Emmanuel);

●toll vi.敲鐘;鳴鐘;

The bell tolled for the dead. 為死者鳴鐘;

●once more 再一次;

Yesterday once more. 昨日重現。

●anniversary n.週年紀念;

a wedding anniversary 結婚週年紀念日;

A year on from the inferno that gutted Notre-Dame de Paris, the cathedral’s great bell rang out across the capital on Wednesday in a tribute to the Gothic landmark’s resilience and to the medics battling the coronavirus epidemic. The bourdon bell had sounded just once since April 15, 2019, when the blaze broke out that consumed the spire and the roof and, officials say, came within 30 minutes of razing the 850-year-old cathedral to the ground.

●a year on 過去了一年;

later on 後來;

a few years from now 今後的幾年;

●inferno n.熊熊烈火;

●gut vt.摧毀(建築物的)內部;

The fire gutted the warehouse. 大火把倉庫燒的只剩下骨 架了。

●cathedral n.總教堂,大教堂;

●ring out 鳴鐘送別;

ring in 鳴鐘歡迎;

Ring out the old, ring in the new. 辭舊迎新。

●tribute n.致敬;

to be a tribute to someone’s determination 顯示出某人的 決心;

in a tribute to... 向…表達敬意;哀悼;

in silent tribute to someone 向某人表示默哀;

●gothic adj.哥特式的;

●resilience n.還原;復原;

●medic n.醫生;衛生員;

●bourdon n.低音;

●sound vt.吹響,敲響;

The driver sounded his horn. 司機按響了喇叭。

●blaze n.火焰,烈火;

●break out 爆發;


The American Civil War broke out in 1861. 美國內戰爆 發於 1861年。


A fire broke out in his house last night. 昨晚他家失火 了。

●consume vt.燒燬,毀滅;

The fire consumed fifty houses in four hours.

這場大火在 四個小時的時間裡燒燬了五十座房子。

●spire n.尖塔;尖頂;

●come within 在…範圍內;

●raze vt.破壞;消除;

raze to the ground 夷為平地;

參考譯文:週三,距離巴黎聖母院的火災已經過去了一年,大教堂的鐘 聲再次響起,響徹了整座城市,對聖母院(這座哥特式建 築)的修復工作表示敬意,也向抗擊新冠病毒的醫護人員致 敬。2019 年 4 月 15 日,大火燒燬了聖母院的尖塔和屋頂,官 方稱,當時這座有著850年曆史的大教堂距離被夷為平地只剩 不到 30 分鐘的時間,自那以後教堂的鐘只鳴響過一次。

Three people wearing hazmat suits and masks to shield themselves from the huge quantities of toxic lead dispersed during the fire took turns to heave on a rope high in the southern belfry to swing the bell’s clapper for five minutes. The bourdon sounded at 8 p.m. (1800 GMT), just as Parisians came out onto their balconies and lent from windows to applaud the frontline medics and carers risking their lives to treat COVID-19 patients.

●hazmat abbr.危險物料,有害物質(hazardous material);

Please advise them to wear HAZMAT gear. 請讓他們穿 上危險品防護裝備。

●shield vt.保衛;防禦;

To shield one's eyes from the sun. 保護眼睛不受陽光照 射。

● toxic lead 毒鉛;

● disperse vi.散開,驅散;

●take turns 輪流;依次;

●heave vi.舉;拉;

●belfry n.鐘樓;鐘塔;

●swing vt.搖動;

●clapper n.鍾錘;鈴舌;

● GMT abbr.格林威治標準時間(Greenwich Mean Time);世界時間;

● Parisian n.巴黎人;

●lend vi.提供;

lend support to something 支持某事;

● applaud vt.喝彩;鼓掌;

●frontline adj.前線的;

● risk one’s life 冒著生命危險;

參考譯文:為了保護不受火災中釋放的大量毒鉛元素的傷害,三名身著 防護服,戴著口罩的工作人員輪番上陣,用力揮舞著位於聖 母院南側鐘樓的鐘繩,讓鐘響持續了五分鐘。當地時間晚上 8 點(格林威治時間 1800),巴黎聖母院鐘聲響起,巴黎人民 走到陽臺上,在窗前為冒著生命危險救治新冠患者的一線醫 護人員鼓掌。

“The restoration of Notre-Dame.. is a symbol of the resilience of our people, of their capacity to overcome hardships, and to recover,” President Emmanuel Macron said. Twelve months ago, Parisians lined the banks of the River Seine, some holding hands, others singing hymns and lighting candles as the fire ravaged a centuries-old symbol of French identity.

●restoration n.(損壞的建築物、藝術品等的) 修復,整修;

●capacity n.能力;

●hardship n.艱難,困苦;

●line vt.填滿;

●The crowds lined the street. 街上擠滿了人。

●bank n.岸邊;

● River Seine 塞納河;

●hymn n.聖歌;

●ravage vt.毀壞;破壞;

●centuries-old adj.悠久的;

參考譯文:法國總統馬克龍表示,“修復巴黎聖母院,象徵著我們人民 堅韌不拔的精神,象徵法國人民戰勝困難以及復原的能 力。”一年前,大火燒燬了法國有著幾百年歷史的身份象 徵,當時塞納河的河岸圍滿了巴黎民眾,有的人手牽手,還 有一些人唱聖歌點蠟燭祈福。

