
清代末期是一個銀幣、紙鈔 銅幣並行的年代,而至嘉慶年間才開始發行新式銀元,直至光緒年間金、銀幣才較為廣泛的鑄行。據悉,兩廣總督張之洞曾於光緒十三年委託使英大臣在英國訂購全套造幣機器,並在廣東錢局首鑄機制銀元和銅元。其後,各省紛紛仿效,購制國外機械鑄造銀、銅元,而光緒元寶就在這個時期應運而生。從近幾年藝術品交易市場的成交記錄來看,光緒元寶擁有較好的市場潛力,其市場價格一路攀升,幾年時間裡,單枚光緒元寶交易價從數十萬到上百萬持續走高。 除了收藏家的追捧外,還有大量投資者加入到這一板塊收藏中,此幣種的升值空間也將不斷擴大光緒元寶是清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣之一。由湖北兩廣總督張之洞率先引進英國鑄幣機器鑄造銀元和銅元,之後各省紛紛仿效。共有十九個省局鑄造,除中央戶部,地方省所鑄銅元,皆


直徑3.54cm 重7.1g

光緒元寶是大清光緒年流通大面值貨幣之首,是我國首批引進海外技術的印發流通貨幣,對於現今也蘊藏了一定歷史意義。安徽銅元局鑄造的銅元中,最為珍貴的極品,當屬大名鼎鼎的“安徽方孔十文”(安徽省造光緒元寶方孔十文銅元)“安徽省造光緒元寶五文銅元“安徽方孔十文”鑄量更小,是“中國銅元十珍”之一。光緒二十八年至三十一年間(1902-1905年)湖北省製造。光緒二十八年湖北省城制錢局首造,二十九年湖北省銀元局再造,三十一年漢陽兵工廠銅幣廠復造。根據戶部所頒佈的大清銅幣祖模製造的。面值當十。質地有有紅銅、黃銅、白銅三種。其中黃、白銅質地為樣錢。正面中間鈐“梅花星”字及“光緒元寶”,外圍上鈐地名,下鈐面值當十,左右分鈐滿文,漢譯“寶源”。Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency circulated in Guangxu year of the Great Qing Dynasty. It is the first circulation currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also has certain historical significance for today. Among the copper yuan casted by Anhui Copper Yuan Bureau, the most precious one is the famous "Anhui Fangkong Shiwen" (Anhui Zhengguang Yuanbao Fangkong Shiwen Yuan), "Anhui Zhengguang Yuanbao Fangkong Shiwen" and "Anhui Fangkong Shiwen" (Anhui Zhengguang Yuanbao Fangkong Shiwen Yuan). Guangxu was manufactured in Hubei Province from 28 to 31 years (1902-1905). Guangxu was first built by the City Money Bureau of Hubei Province in 28 years, rebuilt by the Yinyuan Bureau of Hubei Province in 29 years, and rebuilt by the Copper Coin Factory of Hanyang Armament Factory in 31 years. Made according to the ancestor model of the Great Qing Copper coin promulgated by the Ministry of Household Affairs. The face value should be ten. There are three kinds of texture: red copper, brass and white copper. Among them, yellow and white copper are sample money. In the middle of the front, the words "Plum Flower Star" and "Guangxu Yuanbao" are coined with the place names of upper and lower Jun. The face value of lower Jun is 10, which can be divided into Manchu and Manchu. The Chinese version of "Baoyuan" is translated from Jun to Manchu.

