

She was so____ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.

A. attracted B. absorbed C.drawn D. concentrated

大家看這道題,是一個完整的句子,so...that的意思太過。。。導致。。。。。我們先看that後面句子的意思:她不能聽到任何人敲門的聲音,這是一種結果,是什麼原因會導致這種結果呢?肯定是太過專注才會聽不到敲門聲.我們再看選項,四個選項中第一個attract是吸引的意思,一般用法是be attracted by.... 第二個absorb是吸收的意思,be absorbed in...專注於某事,為正確答案。第四個draw是畫畫的意思,第五個concentrate也是專注於,一般用的concentrate on搭配,所以此題的正確答案是B。

She was so absorbed in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. 她太過專注工作以致聽不到別人的敲門聲。

記住詞組:be absorbed in 專心做某事 concentrate on 集中

It has been revealed that some government leaders____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

A. employ B.take C.abuse D.overlook

it has been revealed that....據透露,還有類似的短語it is said that....這是一個主語從句常用的句型。

some government leaders 一些政府官員

their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.這句話後面的to get illegal profits for themselves表示目的的結果,為他們自己謀取非法利益

—— their authority and position這個短語所表達的意思就跟後面的句子一致。我們看四個選項,A中的employ是僱傭的意思,與意思不符;B中的take也是不符;C選項abuse的意思是濫用,初步斷定為答案。再看D的意思,overlook 忽略,不符合句子意思。所以正確答案是C。

It has been revealed that some government leaders abuse their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.據透露,一些政府官員濫用職權為自己謀取非法利益

The project, ______by the end of 2000, will expand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.

A.accomplished B.being accomplished C.to be accomplished D.having been accomplished

這個句子通過逗號分隔的方式來表達一個完整的意思,在寫作上可以多模仿這種句型。首先前面出現主語The project工程,接著對這項工程進行進一步說明,———— by the end of 2000,2000年底前會出現什麼樣的狀況。接著看最後一個句子,will expand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users. 擴大該市的電話網至1,000,000個用戶。expand 擴大,延長 telephone network 電話網絡 cover覆蓋

看四個選項,用的動詞都一樣,只是時態不同,這樣就容易解決。句子最後出現一個will可得知是將來時,所以只有C選項to be accomplished符合句子時態。正確答案是C。

The project, to be accomplished by the end of 2000, will expand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users. 預計在2000年前完成的這項工程將擴大該市的電話網至1,000,000用戶。

