
Schools throughout the world are experiencing a period of rapid change and, in many cases, are finding that extremely difficult to achieve a balance among a number of critical concerns.(1)____ Some of the issues that educators and schools

are facing include certainty about what academic (2)___and cultural knowledge and skills will be needed by students in the future, wholesale revisions of curricula experimentation in teaching strategies, the need for teachers and (3)____students to become aware and competent in using new technologies,dramatic changes in bureaucratic

and legislating policies and regulations,and increased demands on teachers.(4)____

With the exception of the education system in the United States,

perhaps no education system has been studied more intensively than of Japan.(5)____

In 2001, in a well-balanced presentation of the Japanese (6)____model of schooling including its similarities to and fro (7)____ differences with that in the United States, Tsuneyoshi characterized the American approach to education as one that places an emphasis on competitiveness, individual attention from teachers along with individual accomplishment on the part, of students, development of cognitive abilities, and separation of teachers in terms of (8)___their disciplines.In contrary, the Japanese approach (particularly at the elementary school level) focuses on the "whole child"; close interactions between teachers and pupils for long periods of time in cooperative settings with attention to collected goals, tasks, and rewards;(9)____ and efforts to provide the same or very similar treatment for all students. One advantage of the American approach that is seriously missed in the (10)____Japanese approach is the former's attention to diversity and a sensitivity and concern for minority rights.


1.that→it语法错误。此句的宾语是不定式短语to achieve a balance,这里需要用it充当形式宾语,构成find it difficult to do..结构,而that不能充当形式宾语,故要改为it。


3.aware∧→of词汇错误。此处aware and competent并列充当系动词become的表语,此句后面接了动名词短语using new technologies,故aware后面应该加上介词of,意为“知道的,意识到的”。

4. legislating→legislative词汇错误。legislating为动词legislate的现在分词形式,可以充当名词,而此处需要一个形容词与bureaucratic一起来修饰policies and regulations,故应改为形容词形式legislative,意为“立法的,法制的”。


6.∧of→that语法错误。此句用了比较级,对其他国家的education system和日本的进行比较,故应该加上that,指代日本的教育制度。

7.fro→fro词汇错误。短语to and fro意为“来来回回”,放在此处不符合句意。这里的to是与similarities搭配,意为“与……的相同点”,它们与and后的differences with共同接宾语that(指代教育模式),表示“与美国教育模式的相同点和不同点”。由此可知fro是多余的,应删掉。

8.contrary→contrast词汇错误。in contrast为固定搭配,表示“相反”。故应该把contrary改为contrast。



