
College Success: Preparing to Enter the Working World





1)Like most good things, the fun and excitement of the college experience has to one day come to an end.


2)When that day comes, college and university students must take what they have learned from their study programs and use it in the real world.


3)Earning a degree takes several years. But Margo Jenkins says students should not wait until they have almost completed their programs to think about their next step.

拿到一個學位得花費好幾年時間。但Margo Jenkins說:學生不能等到快要畢業才去想自己的下一步。

3)Margo Jenkins is the director of the Career Center at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. She urges college students to get professional experience early and often.

Margo Jenkins是美國紐約克拉克森大學大學生就業中心的主任,她叮囑大學生要早一點拿與專業相關的工作經驗、多拿一點。

【注】Clarkson University:克拉克森大學創建於 1896年,位於美國紐約州波茨坦,國家一級大學,是一所歷史悠久的綜合性私立大學,是美國新聞與世界報道2003年全美最優秀的學院之一,提供課程廣泛的高等教育。

4)But, the challenge lies in deciding where to start.


5)For most students, college is the first time they are making major decisions about the direction their lives will take, Jenkins says. Although students usually choose a field of study that interests them, many do not have a clear idea of what kind of work they want in the future.


6)Almost every college and university in the United States has a career center on campus, she says. Even if a student may not know the exact kind of job they want, there are plenty of steps they can take before making such a decision.


7)Most employers expect people to provide certain materials when applying for a job. These materials usually include a record of previous related experience -- or resume. They also include a short written explanation of why the person wants the job -- or cover letter.

多數僱主希望求職者求職時拿出某些特定的材料,通常包括簡歷(resume)和求職信(cover letter)。簡歷上寫曾有過的相關經歷,求職信上簡要陳述為什麼想要這份工作。

8)The skill of putting these materials together is not often taught in a classroom, Jenkins notes. But college career centers can offer students the advice they need to do so as effectively as possible. The same goes for training students to present themselves well during job interviews, Jenkins says.


9)But, for students who have more questions than answers about their career path, there is another very important service these centers offer. They can connect students with temporary employment experiences known as internships and co-ops.



internship:a period of time during which a student or new graduate gets practical experience in a job, for example during the summer holiday/vacation(學生或畢業生的)實習期

【注】CO-OP是指 Cooperative education。

  • CO- OP項目是由學校、公司和學員三方共同參與的一種合作教育項目。學員首先通過入學考試,然後在學校學習一段時間,成功完成學校學習任務並通過公司面試,學員正式進入公司工作,工作期間學員定期向學校彙報工作情況,CO- OP項目完成後由學校和公司聯合發放結業證書。
  • CO-OP的真正意義在於獲得工作經歷,增加就業率。CO-OP項目把你送到IT 公司工作。如果你在工作中有較好的表現而公司有僱人計劃,此時你比別人更具競爭力。

10)Internships and co-ops are not like normal jobs.


  • They are short-term positions with a company.


  • They let students test their knowledge and abilities in the real world. 它們讓學生在現實社會里檢驗自己的知識和技能。
  • They also help student make professional connections they can use in the future and decide if a given kind of work or company is a good fit for them. 它們還能幫助學生建立未來能用上的職場人脈、以及幫助學生確定是否某種工作或某個企業適合他們。

11)Internships are usually in the summer, often centering on short-term projects. Some internships are unpaid, so it can be difficult for students with fewer financial resources to become involved in them.


12)Co-ops, on the other hand, are often full-time, paid positions. A student usually suspends their classes for an entire term to become intensely involved in the operations of a company.


suspend: If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about it. 暫緩;推遲;暫停

13) More and more employers have come to expect this kind of experience on students' resumes.


14)In fact, about 90 percent of Clarkson University students go through an internship, co-op or research experience before completing their studies.


15)Jenkins said, "This is the only point in a student's life where they're going to be able to try out jobs for a couple of months at a time ... with absolutely no risk.”

Margo Jenkins說:“學生們能有機會在短短的幾個月裡體驗一份工作…… 還沒有任何危險。”

  • To make this possible, career centers keep close relationships with employers in many industries, she says.


  • They also maintain relationships with former students, who may be able to offer advice to current students on similar career paths.



