

看看有意思的故事,学学地道表达。先从A Short History of Nearly Everything《万物简史》开始。这本书从宇宙大爆炸开始讲现代科学史,穿插了很多科学家的生平故事,妙趣横生。本书作者Bill Bryson喜欢用口语化的语言叙述,因而里面的英语要比一般的原著通俗易懂。

今天读第4章物理学家亨利·卡文迪什的片段。卡文迪什是德文郡公爵的孙子,德文郡公爵的宅邸就是位于英格兰峰区(Peak District,离谢菲尔德不远)的Chatsworth House,中国学生叫“达西庄园”,因为《傲慢与偏见》里达西先生家的庄园就是这里,英国版电影《傲慢与偏见》也在这里取过景。亨利·卡文迪什没在达西庄园住过,但现在里面收藏有他的笔记和书本。家里有这般豪宅的公子哥儿,竟然是个极度害怕社交的科学家。我们来看看他到底有多怪。



In the course of a long life Cavendish made a string of signal discoveries - among much else, he was the first person to isolate hydrogen and the first to combine hydrogen and oxygen to form water - but almost nothing he did was entirely divorced from strangeness.



To the continuing exasperation of his fellow scientists, he often alluded in published work to the results of experiments that he had not told anyone about. In his secretiveness, he did not merely resemble Newton, but actively exceeded him. His experiments with electrical conductivity were a century ahead of their time, but unfortunately remained undiscovered until that century had passed.


Indeed, the greater part of what he did wasn't known until the late nineteenth century, when the Cambridge physicist James Clerk Maxwell took on the task of editing Cavendish's papers, by which time credit for his discoveries had nearly always been given to others.



Among much else, and without telling anyone, Cavendish discovered or anticipated the law of the conservation of energy, Ohm's Law, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, Richter's Law of Reciprocal Proportions, Charles's Law of Gases, and the principles of electrical conductivity. That's just some of it.


According to the science historian J. G. Crowther, he also foreshadowed 'the work of Kelvin and G. H. Darwin on the effect of tidal friction on slowing the rotation of the earth, and Larmor's discovery, published in 1915, on the effect of local atmospheric cooling... the work of Pickering on freezing mixtures, and some of the work of Rooseboom on heterogeneous equilibria'.


Finally, he left clues that led directly to the discovery of the group of elements known as the noble gases, some of which are so elusive that the last of them wasn't found until 1962.




1. during/in/throughout/over the course of something

During the course of our conversation, it emerged that Bob had been in prison. 在我们谈话的过程中发现,鲍勃曾蹲过监狱。

2. hydrogen,[ˈhaɪdrədʒən],n. 氢气,氢

hydrogen bomb 氢弹

3. oxygen,[ˈɒksɪdʒən],n. 氧气,氧

oxygen mask 氧气面罩

4. signal achievement/success/failure etc,重要的成就/成功/失败

The university has done me the signal honour of making me an Honorary Fellow. 这所大学授予我荣誉院士的殊荣。

5. noble gases,惰性气体,稀有气体

a noble gas or metal is not affected chemically by other substances 稀有气体或金属在化学上不受其他物质的影响

