雙語晨讀 | 你真的想過一種沒有遺憾的生活嗎?

雙語晨讀 | 你真的想過一種沒有遺憾的生活嗎?

雙語晨讀 | 你真的想過一種沒有遺憾的生活嗎?

Living a life free of regrets is everybody’s goal, isn’t it? Being a happy modern person means looking back at your life without a “If only I...” Right? Not so fast.


The idea of living a regret-free life is based on the solid life advice that you might hear from a parent, a life coach or your best friend when you’re thinking of making a change: “You’ll only regret the things you didn’t do.” That’s a great idea when you’re stuck in a rut and need motivation.



But where did the idea come from? There are a few of sad hospice nurse stories, but they amount to the same idea—someone who works with the dying has put together a list of regrets they’ve heard from those who are preparing to die. Included are ideas like spending more time with friends and family and less at work, practicing forgiveness and being more kind. This is good general life advice, of course. But these articles usually include more ideas like following your dreams, being yourself and taking risks. In this way, you will find yourself regret free when you find yourself at death’s door.


But what if regrets aren’t so bad? What if, rather than proof of a life that is wasted, they are sign of a life well-lived? If you are never puzzled, you would never learn. If you never made tough choices, you would never have been interested in more than one thing at a time. If you never had limitations…well, you’re not Superman, so just forget it. “You can regret your regrets all you want. But without them, you wouldn’t have lived much of a life.” In other words, regrets are part of the whole.



solid 可靠的

rut 刻板乏味的生活

motivation 動力

hospice 臨終安養院

proof 證明

▍聲明:以上英語文章來自《快捷英語 活頁英語時文18 高考》,雙語文章為原創,轉載需註明出處。

