用英語學英語短語:by a whisker

用英語學英語短語:by a whisker

我們學習英語by a whisker時,我們的“學習語言”和“理解語言”必須是英語。


以by a whisker為例。你真的只“滿足”於“用中文懂得”它什麼意思?或者見到它只能“說”中文,說出它的中文意思卻不能“用”英語學習它、理解它、英語不是“使用語言”? 那麼,你的英語沒學到家,語言能力沒有訓練出來。

如果你“學習”by a whisker,連下面的“基本功課”都沒做,你的學習方法肯定不對路:

1)查英英字典:What does by a whisker mean?

Idiom:Do something by a whisker

- by the narrowest margin.

- If you succeed to do something by a whisker, or if you fail to do something by a whisker, you succeed by a narrow margin(almost fail)or you fail by a narrow margin(almost succeed) .

2) 查英英字典:What is whisker?

a.A whisker is the hair(beard or mustache) on a man's cheeks and chin.

b. A whisker is a single hair of a beard or mustache.

c. Whisker is informal English,meaning a narrow margin ,or a hairsbreadth,just like a very thin thread.


2)英語之外有英語:Put English into English,把英語作為“使用語言”:

1.Okay.Got it.To do something is informal English or an English idiom.

2. A whisker a hair of beard or mustache, something very thin just like a thread.

3. So to do something by a whisker means To do something by a narrow margin,just like the breadth of a hair.

4.Usually we say:To win something by a whisker,to succeed by a whisker,or to fail by a whisker,to miss something by a whisker,to lose something by a whisker.

5. For example,we can say:

- At the end we lost the competition by a whisker(We almost won) and we were so disappointed.

再重申一遍,你之所以“學習”do something by a whisker,最主要是為了訓練自己把英語變成學習英語時的“學習語言”、“閱讀語言”、“理解語言”或者“使用語言”。
