

I won't make an exception because of you.

2.it's impossible for me to miss you. 不可能錯過你。

3 能夠得到真正的愛情嗎?

can win the true love?

4 讓王多魚傾家蕩產。 let Duoyu Wang lose everything.

5 公證人賈如,公證人何碧?(假如,何必也是來搞笑的吧)

Notary Public Bi He.

6 忘憂草,忘了就好

Day lilies, it's good to forget.

7 一本正經的搞笑

我從小受的教育,不支持我做這種事。the eductaion that I grow up with do not allow me to do this.
