
A: Thank you for your suggestion. To make the structure more logic and clear, we spilt section 4.2 into two parts: section 4.2 Empirical results and section 5 Discussion. The former objectively describe the empirical results of Table 4, and the latter focused on discussion of the findings. Further, we distinguish section 5 Discussion and section 6 Conclusions, in that references are needed to support our viewpoints in Discussion part, and Conclusions part is generally the summary of the whole paper, including methods, findings, contributions and future prospects.

有些審稿人會針對研究方法做出直接的質疑。在這種情況下,最好的辦法就是列出證據(高水平的期刊論文、書籍或者報告等),證明自己的方法也是正確的。下例的審稿人認為GMM只適合於“大N小T” 面板,我就找到了劍橋大學出版社Econometric Theory期刊的一篇文章,證明“大N大T”也是可以的。這樣的實例他無法反駁,最後給了Accept。

Q:While the authors have done work to address the reviewer concerns, I still have some issues with the methods and a major concern regarding the contribution of the paper. I don't think GMM is the most appropriate method. GMM is best for large N, small T; however, the current data is large N, large T.

A: Thank you. We understand your concern on the method. The GMM method is more suitable for large N, small T, and our research is large N and large T. However, it still makes sense, according to Kazuhiko Hayakawa`s paper ‘The Asymptotic Properties of the System GMM Estimator in Dynamic Panel Data Models When Both N and T are Large’, Volume 31 / Issue 03 / June 2015, pp 647-667, Econometric Theory (

In this paper, he considered the asymptotic properties of system GMM estimators when both N and T are large. By using Monte Carlo experiments, he found that system GMM estimator using the sub-optimal weighting matrix is still consistent even when T is large, and using redundant moment conditions could improve efficiency in both small and large T cases. These results indicate that estimator originally developed for large N and small T panel data is also usable for large N and large T panel data.


Q:My main concern is whether/how the paper contributes to the WTR or broader environment literature…. From some of the discussion on Page 23, it seems that the WTR literature has already come to that conclusion. I don't think demonstrating that ambiguity with a slightly different model and dataset is much of a contribution.… I would urge the authors to refocus the paper in order to answer one of those two questions.

A: Thank you for the comment and for interesting suggestions on research questions. In our view, and building on previous WTR literature, the most important contribution of this paper is to show that XXX. To our knowledge, prior scholars such as XXX (2013) have discussed this problem, but no one proved it to date.

Obviously, WTR is not the only factor with impacts on the environment. Although it is the topic of our analysis, we should acknowledge and address this question more clearly and openly in the paper, that is, other factors also show significant effects on the environment…. We specified this in the last part of the text.

We truly appreciate the questions suggested. They have given us new ideas for further research that we will certainly explore in the future. Still, we consider them to lead us a bit too far from our original research concern for this paper, and we prefer not to make them explicit in the paper. Honouring the reviewer’s effort to provide us with useful food for thought, we offer next our views on how these two questions could be possibly answered, and the contact points with the work in the paper….





