
1. 赚钱养家:Bring home the bacon.

You can't sit on your ass all day, someone has to bring home the bacon.


2. 帮某人解围:save someone's bacon

thanks for standing up for me, you've saved my bacon.


3. 芝麻蒜皮的争执 a chicken and egg argument.

4. 老大不小了:no spring chicken

Daniel is no spring chicken, but he did a pretty good job of playing a school boy in that movie.


5. a meat market 人肉市场、男女风月的地方

Don't go to the club down there, it's literally a meat market, it makes me sick.


6 . someone is dead meat 某人死定了

e.g. Timmy cheated on his wife, he would be dead meat when she finds out what he did.


7. run around like a headless chicken. 忙得像只无头苍蝇、手忙脚乱、瞎忙

means someone is really worried and/or he is panicked.

8. One man's meat is another man's poison. 萝卜青菜各有所好。

e.g. Hey, stop saying that his girlfriend is ugly, one man's meat is another man's poison.


9. Meat and drink. 易如反掌、是有乐趣的事

Doing math homework makes me sleepy, but it's meat and drink to my sister. She really loves working with numbers.
