I phone 的发展

APPLE has a new hit device, so popular that it has sold out across most of America and Britain. If you order it online it takes six weeks to arrive. “Best Apple product in a long time,” sings one online review. Useful and (of course) slickly designed, it enjoys the highest consumer satisfaction of any Apple product in history, according to a study by two firms, Creative Strategies and Experian.

苹果有一款热销新品,在英美大部分地区已卖到断货。网上订购需要六星期才能到货。一条网上评论写道:“这是多年来最好的一款苹果产品。” 市场研究公司创意策略(Creative Strategies)和益博睿(Experian)的调查称,该产品不仅实用,设计也精巧(那是自然),它是至今为止消费者满意度最高的苹果产品。


1. consumer satisfaction:消费者满意度

Such enthusiasm must be bittersweet for Apple’s bosses. The gadget in question is AirPods, a set of wireless headphones that look a lot like Apple’s traditional ear buds, just without a wire. Priced at $159, AirPods could become a business worth billions of dollars, like the Apple Watch, a wearable device that Apple started selling in 2015. But headphones are hardly the transformative, vastly profitable innovation that many have been waiting for.

这样的热情追捧,肯定让苹果高层苦乐参半。我们说的这款新品是无线耳机AirPods,它与苹果的传统耳机很像,只是去掉了连接线。这款耳机售价159美元,销售额可达数十亿美元,就像苹果在2015年推出的可穿戴设备Apple Watch那样。但耳机这类产品不是许多人拭目以待的那种充满变革性、能创造高额利润的创新产品。


1)bittersweet ['bɪtəswiːt] adj.

feelings, memories, or experiences that are bittersweet are happy and sad at the same time〔情感、记忆或经历〕苦乐参半的,既有痛苦又有甜蜜的


1. ear buds:耳塞

2. wearable devices:可穿戴设备