


come across (偶然)遇見(或發現)

come along (意外地)出現;發生;來到

come down 降落

come from 來自

come back 回來

come on 快點;加油

come out 出版;發表;開花;發芽

come over 順便來訪

come true (希望、夢想等)實現


get away 逃離

get back 返回

get down 下降

get on 上車

get off 下車

get over 克服

get up 起床;起來

get along/on with sb. 與某人相處


go away 走開;離開

go back 回去

go up 上升;增長

go out 出去;熄滅

go off 爆炸;走開;衰退

go over 仔細檢查;複習

go through 通過


give away 贈送;分發

give back 還給;歸還;恢復(健康等)

give in 投降,屈服

give out 發出(氣味、光線、聲音、信號);分發

give up 放棄


look after 照顧;照看

look at 看

look around 環顧四周

look for 尋找;尋求

look into 調查

look out 當心

look over (仔細)檢查

look through 瀏覽

look up (在詞典、參考書等中)查閱;查找

look up to 欽佩;仰慕;尊敬

look down upon 瞧不起

look forward to 盼望;期待


put away 把……收起來;儲存……備用

put down 寫下;放下

put off 推遲;拖延

put on 穿上;上演;增加

put out 撲滅;熄滅(火)

put up 張貼;搭建


take away 拿走;帶走

take down 取下;記下;拆卸

take in 吸入;吞入(體內)

take out 取出

take off 脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛

take up 佔據(時間、空間);開始從事;拿起

take care 當心;小心

take after (在外貌、性格等方面)與(父母等)相像

take care of 照看;照顧


turn down 調低,調小;拒絕

turn up 開大, 調高;出現

turn on 打開

turn off 關閉

turn out 結果是

turn in 上交


1.We will never _______ our dream until it comes true one day.

A. give up

B. give in

C. give out

D. give away

A【解析】句意:我們永遠不會_____ 我們的夢想直到它實現的那一天。give up放棄;give in屈服;give out分發;give away捐贈,根據句意放棄夢想,故選A。

2.—Hurry up! I’m afraid we will miss the plane.

—Don’t worry! The plane will not _____ until 12 o’clock.

A. take after

B. take away

C. take off

D. take out

C【解析】句意:“快點!我擔心我們將錯過飛機”“不要擔心!飛機12點前不會 _____。”take after(外貌或行為)像;take away拿走;take off起飛;take out取出。根據句意飛機應該是起飛,故選C。

3.—Why does your room look so small?

—Because the bed_______too much space.

A. takes up

B. takes down

C. takes off

D. takes away

A【解析】句意“為什麼你的房間看起來這麼小?”“因為床_____太多的空間。”takes up佔據;takes down記下;takes off脫掉,(飛機等)起飛;takes away帶走,取走。根據語境可知,此處表示“床佔據了太多空間,所以房間看上去很小”。故選A。

4.In order to save the energy, we should ________ lights in time if we don’t need them.

A. turn up

B. turn down

C. turn off

D. turn on

C【解析】句意:為了節約能源,在我們不需要用燈時,應當及時把他們_____。turn up調大,通常指聲音等;turn down調小;turn off關閉;turn on打開。根據句意可知,此處是指關掉燈。故選C。

5.I’m very surprised to ________ an old friend in Paris. We haven’t seen each other for years.

A. come out

B. come across

C. come after

D. come on

B【解析】句意:我很驚訝在巴黎______一位老朋友。我們很多年都沒見面了。come out出版;come across偶然遇見;come after跟隨;come on加油。根據語境可知選B。

6.It’s a good habit for us that we should never ________ today's work till tomorrow.

A. put on

B. put off

C. put up

D. put down

B【解析】句意:我們應該決不把今天的事情_______到明天,這對我們來說是一個好習慣。put on穿上;put off 推遲;put up張貼;put down記下,根據句意表示把今天的事情推遲到明天,故選B。

7.The doctors ________ the little girl carefully. They advised her to take some medicine on time.

A. looked into

B. looked over

C. looked for

D. looked at

B【解析】句意:醫生們仔細地_____ 小女孩。他們建議她按時吃藥。looked into調查;looked over (仔細)檢查;looked for 尋找;looked at看。結合句意可知此處是指醫生仔細地檢查了那個小女孩。故選B。

8.—What do you usually do in the evening, Tom?

—I usually ________ the newspapers to find something interesting.

A. look through

B. look out

C. look around

D. looked into

A【解析】句意“湯姆,你晚上通常做什麼?”“我通常 報紙來找一些有趣的東西。” look through瀏覽;look out當心;look around向四周看;looked into調查。根據句意可知指“瀏覽”,故選A。



care about 關心;在意

talk about 談論;討論;議論

think about 考慮

throw about 亂丟;拋撒

worry about 擔心


point at 指向

look at 看(某人)

throw at 投向;擲向

laugh at(sb.) 嘲笑(某人)

knock at 敲

shout at(sb.) 對(某人)大喊

aim at 瞄準;旨在


get away 逃離

give away 贈送;分發

put away 把……收起來;儲存……備用

run away 逃跑;跑掉

take away 拿走

throw away 扔掉

move away 搬走,移開


bring back 恢復;使想起;歸還

come back 回來

get back 回來;恢復

give back 歸還;送回

go back 回去

pay back 償還(借款等)

talk back 回嘴;頂嘴


break down 停止運轉;出故障

calm down 保持冷靜

cut down 砍倒;削減

fall down 落下;摔倒

get down 下來;落下

put down 寫下;記下;放下

shut down 關上;停業

take down 拆除;記錄

turn down 調低;關小;拒絕

write down 寫下;記下


believe in 信任;信賴

check in 報到;登記

come in 進來

hand in 交上;提交;呈送

take in 吸入;吞入(體內);理解;欺騙


hear of 聽說

think of 思考;考慮

get out of 離開;從……出來

take care of 照顧;照看


break off 突然中止;中斷

cut off 切除;切斷

drop off 減少;下降

fall off 從……掉下

get off 脫下;下車

go off (鬧鐘)發出響聲;發出(光、熱等)

keep off 勿踏;勿踩

knock off 停止做某事

pay off 償清(欠款等)

put off 推遲;拖延

run off 跑掉;迅速離開

see off(為某人)送行

set off 動身(去某地);起程

send off 派遣

shut off 關閉;停止運轉

take off 脫下(衣服),(飛機等)起飛

tell off 責備;分派

turn off 關閉


put on 穿上

turn on 打開

fight on 堅持

pass on 傳遞

keep on 繼續(進行)

try on 試穿;試試看

work on 從事;忙於

depend on 依賴

come on 趕快;加油;來吧

hold on 等一等(別掛電話)


blow out 吹滅

break out (戰爭、火災等)突然發生;爆發

bring out 使顯現;使表現出

check out 查明;離開

clean out 清除;把……打掃乾淨

clear out 清理;丟掉

come out 出版;發表

cut out 刪除;刪去

find out 查明;發現;瞭解

get out 出去,離開

give out 發出(氣味、光線、聲音、信號);分發

go out 出去;熄滅

hand out 分發;發放

keep out 不讓......進入

leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略

look out 留神;當心

put out 撲滅;熄滅(火)

run out 用盡;耗盡

sell out 賣完;售光

set out 出發;啟程

stand out 站出來;突出;堅持到底

take out 取出

work out 算出;解決

help (sb.) out 幫助(某人)解決困難


come over 順便來訪

fall over 絆倒

get over 克服;恢復;原諒

go over 仔細檢查;複習

look over (仔細)檢查


bring up 教育;培養;提出

cheer up 使振奮;使高興起來(cheer sb. up)

clean up (把……)打掃乾淨;(把……)收拾整齊

cut up 切碎

dress up 穿上盛裝;裝扮

eat up 吃光;吃完

fix up 修理;修補

get up 起床

give up 放棄

grow up 成長;長大

hang up 掛斷電話

hurry up 趕快

look up (在詞典、參考書等中)查閱;查找

make up 編造;形成;組成

pick up 撿起

put up 張貼;搭建

send up 發射,把……送上去

set up 建立;創立;開辦

show up 出席;露面

stay up 不睡覺;熬夜

take up (尤指為消遣)學著做;開始做

think up 想出

turn up 開大(聲音);出現

use up 用完;用光;耗盡


agree with 贊同;持相同意見

begin with 以……開始

connect with 與……相連

deal with 處理;應付

catch up with 趕上

come up with 提出;想出(主意、回答等)

get along/on with sb. 與某人相處

go on with 繼續

keep in touch with sb. 與某人保持聯繫

keep up with 與......並駕齊驅;跟上


9.Mike and his parents will______for Shanghai to visit Disney Park tomorrow.

A. put off

B. take off

C. get off

D. set off

D【解析】句意:邁克和他父母明天將____去上海參觀迪斯尼樂園。put off推遲;take off脫下,(飛機)起飛;get off下車;set off動身(去)。根據句意可知,他們明天動身去上海參觀,因此用set off。故選D。

10.This bus doesn’t go to the train station. I’m afraid you’ll have to ________ at the library and take the A30.

A. take off

B. put off

C. get off

D. turn off

C【解析】句意:這輛公交車不去火車站。我恐怕你不得不從圖書館 , 然後轉乘A30。take off 脫下,(飛機)起飛;put off推遲;get off下車;turn off關閉。根據語境可知此處指的是下車,故選C。

11.—What are you doing over there?

—I’m ________a photo of our family on the wall.

A. looking up

B. giving up

C. making up

D. putting up

D【解析】句意:“你在那邊做什麼?”“我把一張我們的全家福在牆上。”looking up向上看,查找;giving up放棄;making up組成,編造;putting up張貼。根據句意可知“put up”符合語境,指把照片往牆上貼。故選D。

12.People along the river didn’t allow them to_______ a factory there in order to protect the water.

A. set up

B. give up

C. take up

D. look up

A【解析】句意:為了保護河水,沿河的人們不允許他們在那一個工廠。set up建立,開業;give up放棄;take up從事;佔據;look up查閱,向上看。set up a factory建立一個工廠。故選A。

13.—Do you know who _______ my dictionary? I can’t find it.

—Sorry, I don’t konw, either. I was out just now.

A. got away

B. took away

C. ran away

D. threw away

B【解析】句意:“你知道誰________我的字典嗎?我找不到它了”“不好意思,我也不知道。我剛出去了”got away逃離;took away拿走;run away逃跑;threw away扔掉。根據句意可以是詢問誰拿走了我的字典,故選B。

14.—Could you tell me where the fitting room is? I need to________ this pair of pants.

—Sure. Over there.

A. work on

B. pass on

C. depend on

D. try on

D【解析】句意:“你能告訴我試衣間在哪裡嗎?我需要________這條褲子。”“當然可以。在那邊”work on從事;pass on傳遞;depend on依賴;try on試穿。根據句意尋找試衣間,表示要試穿這條褲子,故選D。

15.—When will your new book_______? I can’t wait to read it.

—Next month.

A. give out

B. come out

C. work out

D. sell out

B【解析】句意:“你的新書什麼時候_______?我迫不及待地想讀它。”“下個月”give out 分發;come out 出版;work out 解決;sell out賣光。根據句意“我”想讀你的書,可知詢問的是新書什麼時候出版,故選B。

16.It took them about five hours to________ the fire. Although the house was destroyed, nobody was hurt.

A. put out

B. carry out

C. work out

D. find out

A【解析】句意:他們花費了大約5個小時才把火 。儘管房子被毀壞了,但沒人受傷。put out撲滅,熄滅;carry out實施;work out算出,解決;find out查明。根據語境可知,此處指“花了將近5個小時才把火撲滅”,故選A。

17.The best way of ________ the problem is by asking the teacher for help.

A.beginning with

B. dealing with

C. connecting with

D. agreeing with

B【解析】句意:_______這個問題最好的方法是尋求老師的幫助。beginning with以......開始;dealing with 處理;connecting with與......相連;agreeing with贊同。deal with the problem處理問題,故選B。



18.I promised her to ________ her child during her business trip.

A. agree with

B. worry about

C. look after

D. laugh at

C 【解析】句意:我承諾在她出差期間幫她 她的小孩。agree with同意;worry about擔心;look after照顧,照料;laugh at嘲笑。分析語境可知,此處指照顧小孩。故選C。

19.I often______ the lessons with my good friends. It is easier for us to exchange some ideas with each other.

A. look for

B. break in

C. turn out

D. go over

D【解析】句意:我經常和我的好朋友一起 功課。對我們來說,相互交流一下想法更容易了。look for尋找;break in打斷;turn out證明是,結果是;go over複習。分析句意可知此處是複習功課。故選D。

20.You’d better not_______ late for your favorite TV plays. Enough sleep is necessary for your health.

A. take on

B. stay up

C. put off

D. turn down

B【解析】句意:你最好不要為了你喜歡的電視劇 太晚。充足的睡眠對你的健康來說是必要的。take on呈現;stay up熬夜;put off推遲;turn down關掉,拒絕。根據語境可知建議不要熬夜太晚看電視劇。故選B。