
For those with a severe cat allergy, any location that harbours a pet feline can become a toxic no-go zone.


Research on another tragically cute mammal now suggests this might be no accident of nature – cats really are trying to keep us away.


A study on the world's only known example of a venomous primate has found a surprising similarity between a key protein in its armpit glands and the allergen found in cats, raising the suggestion that if one evolved as a defensive weapon, so might the other.


It's a finding that not only puts cat allergies into a new context, but could lead to treatments for those suffering the effects of an unpleasant encounter with either animal.


Slow lorises (Nycticebus sp.) are several species of primate commonly found in the wilds of South and Southeast Asia.

慢罗瑞斯(Nycticebus sp.)是几种常见于南亚和东南亚野生动物的灵长类动物。

Looking at one, you'd swear it was dreamed up in a Hasbro toy workshop for toddlers.


But don't let the looks fool you.


Inside the loris's mouth are rows of tiny, razor-sharp teeth used to both tear into small prey and keep predators and competitors at bay.


As if a bite isn't enough, when threatened, the fluff monsters put their hands up and lick the glands tucked away in their armpits, dosing their spit with a rich array of compounds fine-tuned to help transform a tiny cut into a festering hole of dead flesh.


"Generally slow lorises use their venom to fight with other slow lorises, causing very slow-to-heal wounds," says biologist Bryan Fry from the University of Queensland in Australia.

澳大利亚昆士兰大学的生物学家布莱恩·弗莱(Bryan Fry)说:“通常情况下,慢速懒虫使用它们的毒液与其他慢速懒虫战斗,造成非常缓慢的伤口愈合。”

"But, when humans are bitten, the victim will display symptoms as if they're going into allergic shock."
