


流瑜伽 Vinyasa


"Vinyasa is the broadest term for flow yoga which is the most popular in the western world," Magee told Business Insider. The word Vinyasa applies to the principle of synchronising movement with breath. In a Vinyasa class everything is guided by your breath, including how long you hold a pose for, he said, and each posture flows into the next.


Broadest [brɔ:dɪst] adj. 寬廣的。

Synchronizing ['sɪŋkrənaɪzɪŋ] adj. v. 同步的、同步、整步。

阿斯湯加 Ashtanga


Ashtanga yoga is a variation of Vinyasa — it’s just with a set sequence of movements. "If you take an Ashtanga primary series class, no matter where in the world you are or who is leading the class, they’ll teach you the same sequence — so you know which pose is coming next," Magee explained.


Variation [veərɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] n. 變化、變異、變種。

火箭流瑜伽 Rocket


Rocket yoga, as the name might suggest, is a fast-style yoga. "It's a derivative of Ashtanga. It comes from the traditional Ashtanga series, but was modified for the west by a man called Larry Schultz in San Francisco," Magee explained. While Schultz was on tour teaching yoga to American rock band "The Grateful Dead," one member, Bob Weir, suggested he name his yoga style "Rocket, because it gets you there faster" — and it stuck.


Derivative [dɪ'rɪvətɪv] n. adj. 衍生物、派生物、派生的、引出的。

力量瑜伽 Power yoga

提起瑜伽,相信不少男性都會覺得,這是女性專屬的運動。難道男性都不適合瑜伽嗎?其實瑜伽是沒有區分性別的,力量瑜伽也是由Barpt Baptiste男士所推崇的。力量瑜伽又稱為Power yoga,它非常快,也很有衝擊力。在西方國家中,力量瑜伽也是要求最為嚴格的瑜伽之一,它有超強的塑造體形效果,對雕塑手臂、腰部、臀部的線條效果都十分明顯。同時,也能增強心肺循環功能,促進新陳代謝。


There are a number of Power yoga styles, and the one Magee highlighted was made popular by Baron Baptiste. "It's quick, it's punchy," he said. It's sometimes, but not always, practised in a heated room. "The only downside to something like Power yoga is, yes, you're going to get a sweat on and feel aerobically challenged, but for a beginner does it have the queuing and the guidance needed to keep you moving safely in and out of the spaces where you need to go?" Magee said. "In my opinion, probably not. You'd probably need a few beginner classes first, which focus on the yoga fundamentals. "


Punchy ['pʌn(t)ʃɪ] adj. 強力的、頭昏眼花的。


adv. 有氧。




