

Why are whales so big? One answer is simply that they can be. The size of land animals is constrained in part by their need to support themselves against the force of gravity. Marine creatures have that support provided free, by the medium they live in.


Even so, what is possible is not always sensible. Resources put into growth are unavailable for reproduction. Given that whales can and do become big, however, a second question arises: what, if anything, stops them being even bigger? Jeremy Goldbogen of Stanford University and his colleagues suspect that the answers to both questions are related to the animals' food supply.

即便如此,可能的事情并不总是明智的。投入生长的资源无法再生产。鉴于鲸鱼可以且确实庞大,第二个问题就来了:如果有的话,有什么可以阻止它们变得更大?斯坦福大学的Jeremy Goldbogen和他的同事怀疑两个问题的答案和动物的食物供应有关。

And, as they describe in a paper in Science, they have gathered data that illuminatehow this might work. Broadly, big whales come in two varieties. Toothed whales, such as sperm whales, hunt individual prey.


Baleen whales suck in mouthfuls of water and extract small organisms such as krill, using fibrous buccal filters. The biggest whales of all (blue, humpback and so on) are baleen whales. This might be viewed as paradoxical, because on land, as predators get bigger, so do their individual prey.


Both toothed and baleen whales often hunt by diving deep—prey being more abundant at depth. To do this they have to hold their breath, which limits how long they can stay underwater. One explanation of giantism in whales is that because bigger whales can hold their breath longer, they can spend more time hunting.


But that will only hold good as long as the extra time is spent productively. Dr Goldbogen and his team attached water-and-pressure-proof data-recording tags to a range of both toothed and baleen cetaceans, to see what they got up to on their hunting dives.


Toothed whales, they found, are living on the edge, size-wise. The number of individualprey they are able to chase and capture in a single dive is just enough to sustain animals of their size.


By contrast, the baleen whales the researchers looked at, once they have encountered a shoal of prey, are in nutritional nirvana. A single lunge by a large rorqual, they reckon, can capture ten times as much food as the largest individual prey taken by toothed whales.


Toothed whales thus do seem to have hit some sort of size limit. Perhaps, though, baleen whales might continue to evolve and get bigger still. The blue whale is, at the moment, the largest animal, extant or extinct, known to have lived. Might its descendants be larger yet?



prey [preɪ] n.n.牺牲者;被掠食者,猎物

illuminate [ɪ'lumɪnet] v.照亮,照明;阐明,说明

paradoxical [,pærə'dɑksɪkl] adj. 矛盾的;反常的,荒谬的;反论的
