"shut up"是“闭嘴”?"shut eye"是“闭眼”?"shut face"闭什么

说到闭嘴,大家都知道英文的说法是 shut up!但是当你和人家聊天时,对方很平静地来一句shut up,你可别以为人家是生气了让你闭嘴!具体什么意思看看下面这个句子。

—What a surprise! I just won 5 million lottery tickets!

—Shut up!

Shut up表示"惊呆了",“不是吧?真的假的哦?”更多表现一种“惊讶”的情绪,没有固定的翻译。

-I won the lottery yesterday! 昨天我买的彩票中奖了! -Shut up! 不会吧! 真的假的!

所以,在看电影或者美剧的时候,也会经常看到,演员平静地来一句,shut up,就是这个意思啦。

Shut eye是"闭眼"?

如果有人对你说You should get some shut eye.你可不要以为是让你闭一会儿眼睛!其实人家是觉得你需要睡一会儿!

shut eye=睡一会儿

You look exhausted!Try to get some shut eye on the train.你看起来很疲惫!尽量在火车上睡一会儿吧。

I've been working for 24 hours. I want get some shut eye.


闭上眼睛的正确表达是close your eyes。

Shut your face是什么意思?

如果别人对你说Shut your face,你可要注意了!人家对你非常恼火!让你闭嘴!

Shut your face=(你给我)闭嘴

相当于shut your mouth语气强烈,比较粗鲁,最好避免使用

Oh, shut your face. You're always moaning about something.


shut down 工厂、公司倒闭

The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.


shut/close your ears to sth表示“听之任之,漠不关心”

He shut his ears to all appeals for help.他对一切求援的呼吁充耳不闻。

shut in 关押、囚禁

固定用法是“shut somebody in some place”,意思是把某人关在、囚禁在某地。

He shut himself in his office, telling his secretary to hold all calls.
