You name it! 只要你说得出来的,我都能做.

1.Edie, please talk to me.Edie, 说说话啊

I've been thinking about this for the last ninety miles and you don't have to forgive me.


2.You can go to the police, kick me, you can burn my house down.

你可以去警察局告发我,你可以烧了我的房子。kick: 痛斥,申述 burn down: 烧毁

3.You just have to know that I am so racked with guilt,I don't think it’s possible for me to suffer any more than I'm already suffering.


rack: 折磨

be racked with/by…让某个人承受巨大的痛苦

suffer: 受痛苦

4.Boy, I'd like to put that theory to the test.



theory: 理论

put sb./sth. to the test 把某物/某个人拿去测验/验证一下


5.Well, whatever you want to do, Edie, just know that I'm sorry.


6. I'm not going to the police.


7. You're not?


8. No. The insurance company will just want to investigate, and it will delay my check.

不会。保险公司会重新调查, 那会延迟我的支票。

investigate: 调查 delay: 推迟 check: 支票

9.Thank you.


10. But.There is something I want you to do for me.


11.Of course, anything. Uh, you name it! What?

当然. 任何事都可以。你说吧. 什么事?

老外常说:You name it = I can do anything you name it只要你说得出来的,我都能做。也就是


You name it, and we have it. 凡是你说的出名字的我们都有。

12.I want to be invited to your poker game.


13. Our poker games?


14. I'm not saying that I'll go. And I'm not saying that you and your little friends have to be nice to me.

并不是说我一定会去,, 我也没要求你和你的那些小伙伴要对我多好。

But, every once in a while, yeah! It'd be nice to be asked.


every once in a while: 偶尔

15.Well, we meet on Tuesdays, and it’s pot-luck lunch.Everybody has to bring something.

嗯, 我们周二见面, 中饭是家常便饭。每个人都要带些东西。

pot-luck: 其中“Pot”的意思是锅子,“luck”则是运气。pot-lunch在某一个人或几个人(可以是几个朋友也可以是公司里的同事)的提议下举行一个午餐会或晚餐会,但参加聚会的人都要带一个菜或一种食物,大家能够尝到许多不同的食品,但也有可能迟到不喜欢的食物,因而加上“luck”这个词。

16I'm not bringing anything.


17. Oh, you don't have to. Well, this is good. Thank you.

哦, 你不必带。那很好,谢谢。

18.I guess I should go take a shower and wash Mrs. Huber off me.


shower: 淋浴 wash…off: 清洗掉

19. Hold it. I can't stand the thought of Martha’s ashes going down some sewer drain.


hold: 持续 stand: 忍受 ashes: 骨灰 go down: 沉下

sewer: 污水管的;下水道的 drain: 下水道,阴沟

20.Well, Edie, I, I have to clean up.

Edie, 我必须清洗一下。

21.Well, this is such a beautiful lawn. We could put her to rest right here!


lawn: 草坪 rest: 安息

22.On my front lawn?


23. Why not? She could spend all of eternity looking at her house,and keep an eye on the neighborhood. she'd like that


.keep an eye on: 留心,注意 neighborhood: 邻居

Stand over here, I'll hose you off.

过来站这儿. 我替你冲洗。

24.I don't think so.


25. You owe me!Martha, I'm gonna miss you.

你欠我的。Martha... 我会想你的。