「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 13-數據依情況提供


DAY 13 原文



Q: Hi. Good afternoon. And, Pat, maybe just following-up on some of those questions around the guidance, would you be willing to share where your guidance would be without this China issue, so that we can understand where the baseline of the underlying business is, especially if you want to assume that it's temporary?


A: Yeah. I'm not going to provide details as to the magnitude of the guidance raise that we had planned or the specific line items, but I'm happy to share that we would have raised guidance or operating margin and for EPS on the strength of our Q1 results and visibility to some balance of your benefits. But given the uncertainty of the coronavirus situation in China and its impact to our near-term results, which we expect to be temporary, we felt it was best to defer any change to our guidance until we had better visibility to full year results, including the impact of coronavirus.


And as I said before, we're committed to being responsibly transparent with our investors, and we'll provide an update when we have reasonable confidence behind our numbers, because it would not be helpful to speculate at this time. But we could not be more pleased with our Q1 results across the board, the overall underlying momentum in our business, and the confidence that that gives us behind our ability to deliver better than expected results, setting aside this new issue that has emerged in China.



1. Operating Margin: 營運利潤率,計算方法為公司營運利潤除以淨銷售額。

2. EPS (earning per share):每股收益即每股盈利,又稱每股稅後利潤、每股盈餘,指稅後利潤與股本總數的比率。該比率反映了每股創造的稅後利潤。比率越高,表明所創造的利潤越多。若公司只有普通股時,淨收益是稅後淨利,股份數是指流通在外的普通股股數。如果公司還有優先股,應從稅後淨利中扣除分派給優先股東的股利。

