
During this period of transition and uncertainty, many people have been forced to look for alternate work. And more and more prospective employees are turning to video conferencing for their interviewsa trend that has been increasing in recent years. "This could mean interviews with recruiters, or hiring managers," said Brian Kropp, chief of research in the Gartner HR practice. "Most interviews that were in-person have shifted to becoming completely virtual."

在这个过渡和不确定的时期,许多人被迫寻找替代工作,越来越多的潜在雇员开始求助于视频会议来进行面试,而这一趋势近年来一直呈上升趋势。“这可能意味着要与招聘人员或招聘经理进行面试,”Gartner人力资源实践研究主管布赖恩•克洛普(Brian Kropp)表示。“大多数面对面的面试已经变成了完全的虚拟面试。”

Video interviews might include a group chat or a recorded interview that your prospective employer could view later. Either way, it's critical that you take this interview just as seriously as if you were doing it in personperhaps, even more so, as you're missing the critical elements of an in-person interaction.


1、Don't rely on your computer for information

Since you'll be behind a screen, with easy access to the internet, it will be tempting to think that you can quickly search the web during your conversation to pull relevant material. Or you may think it's fine to read from a document on your desktop. This is a mistake. Make sure you're fully prepared for this interview, the same way you would be in person. Learn the background of the company, and the person interviewing you. Memorize as much as you can, so you can be at ease during the interview, instead of frantically scanning your browser for answers.



2. Don't forget the small talk

You won't be given a physical tour of the office space, and you won't be bumping into other employees while passing through the break room. But it's important to still be warm and friendly at the start of your interview, as you would in person. Your hiring manager wants to get to know the real you, so make sure you treat them as if they're really there, showing that you're curious about their day and how things have been going at the office.



"Try to be as relaxed as you can," Kropp said. "While it is a formal interview, you want to make it as informal-feeling as possible. Don't go too far, don't use slang or profanity, but it's OK to have a normal conversation."


3. Don't be too casual

While small talk is important, it's equally critical to show your employer that you're professional. This means you need to dress appropriately, speak professionally, and act the way you would in a business settingeven though the interview might be conducted from your living room. The video interview is just as serious as if you were in person, so make sure you treat it the same way.



4. Don't do the interview from your bedroom

Your interviewer is not only seeing you in the video, but your whole environment. So make sure you make it look professional. That means you're not doing it in a car or outside, and if you must do it from the living room or bedroom, clean up the background, put away your laundry or anything distracting in the background. Make sure the lighting is good and the backdrop behind you is simple and plain. Also, "avoid meeting in a public location where it might prove difficult to control noise or your background," said Andrew Belasco, CEO of College Transitions. "Video and auditory distractions can ruin an otherwise solid interview performance."


你的面试官不仅在视频中看到了你,而且还看到了你的整个环境。所以一定要让它看起来很专业。这意味着你不是在车里或外面做这件事,如果你必须在客厅或卧室里做,清理背景,收拾你的衣服或任何分散注意力的东西。确保灯光良好,你身后的背景简单朴素。此外,“避免在可能难以控制噪音或你的背景的公共场所开会,”College Transitions公司首席执行官安德鲁•贝拉斯科(Andrew Belasco)说。“视频和听觉干扰会毁掉原本很好的面试表现。”

"It doesn't have to be an office setting, but it can't be the laundry room. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it can't be bad," said Kropp. This also means kicking out your roommate, Kropp recommends.


5. Don't leave your smartphone on (as well as notifications on your laptop)

Many of us get notifications on our phone or desktop, to alert us when an email is coming in, or when a meeting is about to start. But "the person on the other end actually hears that," Kropp says. So make sure everything is completely silent before your interview begins.



"Don't let notifications distract from the interview especially if you are screen sharing, use an app like Muzzle App to mute notifications that might not be relevant," Tim Campos, founder and CEO of Woven, a scheduling platform, said. "You don't need your doctor's appointment reminders to pop up when you're trying to showcase your portfolio."

日程安排平台weave的创始人兼首席执行官蒂姆•坎波斯(Tim Campos)表示:“不要让通知分散面试的注意力,尤其是在屏幕共享的情况下。使用Muzzle这样的应用程序来静音那些可能不相关的通知。”“当你想展示你的投资组合时,你不需要医生的预约提醒。”