停學不停課,“雲課” 為學生學習保駕護航


All the students cannot head back to school because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak. They have been told to stick to e-learning at home. So many students have lessons via their home computers, I pads, TVs and cell phones. Ze Yanhe, like most primary school students in Shenyang, 10-year-old girl, from Dadong Xingtan Primary School studied many subjects on line at home. She grasps much knowledge except school textbooks.

由於疫情的緣故,學生們不能去上學,他們開展居家線上教學。因此,許多學生在家裡通過電視、電腦、I Pad和手機進行線上自主學習。和大多數瀋陽的小學生一樣,來自大東區杏壇小學的10歲學生迮焱荷在家裡通過雲課學習了很多科目,同時,她學到了很多書本以外的知識。

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced in late January that the spring semester for all schools would be put off because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, forcing students like Ze Yanhe to stay at home and study on line.


To go with students’ new learning environment, Shenyang “Cloud Class” was launched on Mar 2 to provide students in elementary and secondary schools with education resources covering all major school subjects. Ze Yanhe and many other students go down to study full-time courses again. This time they study at home. And it may be the largest e-learning teaching trial our country has ever seen.


For some students, the chance to study at home has had some unexpected benefits. Ze Yanhe makes full use of time to study hard. She takes notes very carefully when she has lessons. “I prefer online teaching because I have more freedom at home.” she said, “During the novel coronavirus outbreak, I study online every day and I finish my homework very carefully. Then I take photos and send them to the teacher every time. If there are some problems that I can’t solve by myself, I will consult my teacher in time. I believe that my English level will improve soon. My dear friends, from now on let’s try our best and we will succeed.”

對於一些學生而言,居家學習的機會有意想不到的好處。迮焱荷充分利用時間努力學習,每次上課時她都認真記筆記。“我更喜歡在線教學這種形式,因為在家裡更自由。” 她說, “在新型冠狀病毒爆發期間,我每天在線上學習並認真完成作業。我每次上完課拍照,然後把照片發送給老師。當我遇到無法解決的問題時,我會及時向老師求教。我相信我的英語水平提高很快。我親愛的朋友們,從現在開始,讓我們儘自己最大努力學習,我們將會成功!”