澳大利亚作家Brian Castro答译者问:阅读、理论、写作、疫情

按:澳大利亚作家Brian Castro(中文名字高博文)近日接受其长篇小说《园书》中文译者之一的马丽莉教授邮件访问,内容涉及作家的理论认同和写作主题等,并有对于此次新冠疫情的回应,还回答了编辑韩松的几个问题。书店故事现将问答全文发布,并附作者部分作品书照,希望读者藉此更多地了解这位作家,了解澳大利亚文学,以及书稿背后的译者。

作家2018年作品Blindness and Rage: A Phantasmagoria所获总理文学奖截图,from The Adelaide Review

马丽莉(和白文革——编注)不但在2018年翻译出版了澳大利亚有华人血统的著名作家布莱恩·卡斯特罗的《园书》(The Garden Book),还在《河北师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2019年第6期发表了《试论〈园书〉的反种族主义主题》(马丽莉和李静菲——编注)。这篇文章通过对小说的研究,指出种族主义者的自我仇恨、白人至上的权力关系、白澳政策的阴魂不散是种族主义的主要根源。


澳大利亚作家Brian Castro

澳大利亚作家Brian Castro,2018年《园书》由花山文艺出版社在中国大陆出版,其新作Street to Street(《诗人之死》)即将译出。本文是Mr.Castro 与《园书》译者之一马丽莉(另一位译者是白文革)的答问记录,编辑韩松也有所提问。


Brian CastroBrian Castro was born in Hong Kong in 1950 of Portuguese, Chinese and English parentage. In 2003 Giramondo published his Shanghai Dancing, which won the Vance Palmer Prize for Fiction, the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction and the NSW Premier’s Book of the Year Award, and his most recent novel, The Garden Book (2005) was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Award and won the Queensland Premier’s Award for Fiction. Brian Castro is Chair of Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide. Now he lives in the Adelaide Hills outside of Adelaide.

布赖恩·卡斯特罗(Brian Castro,中文名高博文)澳大利亚华裔小说家,出生于1950年,父亲是葡萄牙人,母亲是中英混血儿。卡斯特罗从小在香港长大,会说广东话、英语、法语等多种语言。迄今为止,他一共创作小说十余部、文学评论一部,曾多次获澳大利亚的各种奖项,其中2018年在中国出版的《园书》获澳大利亚澳中文学理事会翻译奖。卡斯特罗是澳大利亚阿德莱德大学创意写作系主任。现住在阿德莱德郊外的阿德莱德山。



韩松(Han Song):图书编辑,曾任《园书》中文版编辑之一(责任编辑:梁东方 韩松)。

Questions from Lili

Q1. Have you been influenced by any Cosmopolitan theory? Who is the most influential theorist or philosopher to you in becoming or adopting a Cosmopolitan position to write?


A1. No, I have never been influenced by any theory.


Q2. Would you agree if I say that there is a consistent theme through all your books, that is Cosmopolitanism?

您是否认同我的观点,即在您全部作品中,有一个一以贯之的主题,即世界主义?A2.Not really. It seems to me that cosmopolitanism was about European large cities in the 19th and 20th centuries and I`ve always been more provincial in the best sense of that term,living outside big cities and in the country.并非如此。在我看来,世界主义是关于19到20世纪的欧洲大城市,从这个词的最好意义上说,我一直更乡村,我更多地会选择居住在大城市以外,住在乡村。

Q3.What do you think of this quotation? “Some people think that a cosmopolitan is someone who is “worldly” and therefore comfortable— at home— everywhere. I prefer to think of the cosmopolitan as someone who is “worldly” and therefore not fully comfortable— never fully at home— anywhere. Being cosmopolitan means knowing how to make a virtue out of discomfort; it means cultivating comfort and discomfort simultaneously”(from Cosmopolitanism and the Literary Imagination by Cyrus R. K. Patell,New York,PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2015).

你是否同意以下引文?“有些人认为世界主义者是指那些‘见多识广’的人,因此在任何地方都能舒适自在。我更愿意把世界主义者想成是一个‘世俗’的人,因此在任何地方都不会感到完全舒适,也不会完全自在。世界主义者意味着知道如何合理地利用不舒适并把它变成优点;它意味着同时培养舒适和不适”(引自Cosmopolitanism and the Literary Imagination by Cyrus R. K. Patell,New York,PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2015.)

A3. Yes, I would not be at home anywhere, because the idea of "home" is a relative one.All you need is one incident to make you doubt the concept of home.For instance, I was once described as a "Tricky Chinaman".Although I have never worried about these racist remarks,I also did not subscribe to the fact that since I was not born in Australia,there will always be these slurs against me,which are just under the surface.I remain positive.The recent COVID19 VIRUS created new incidents.People saw me in the supermarket and turned around quickly.That`s fine with me.


Q4. What is the significance of writing a story on Richard Sorge who was a German spy for Russia, living in Japan—Stepper?

《斯苔伯》写的是关于理查德·佐尔格(Richard Sorge)这位曾经生活在日本的、为斯大林刺探情报的德国间谍,您写这本书有什么重要含义吗?

A4. Well he was never at home. His loyalties were ideological,not sentimental. 有,他从未有过自在感。他的忠诚是意识形态的,却非情感层面的。

Q5. Do you have religion in mind when writing The Garden Book? I am asking because I remember two incidents: one is you write about Moses breaks the Tablet; the other is you have said that Garden represents Eden, and from the ending of the book where you do mention God, can we infer that the fall of humans start at the Eden time, it also echos Auden’s poem at the very beginning of the book”? Do you mean to hint: return to Eden is the ultimate redemption of human beings?


A5.No I Have never been religious at all. Going to a catholic boarding school drummed that out of me. The quote from Auden is ironic.What you think is Eden is really an illusion.While I understand that religion is a comfort to people in times of need,in more secure times it sometimes is a crutch.


Q6 Can I say that the very beginning and the end echo each other in saying that the cost of human fall in Eden is their permanent exile?


A6.Yes, very much.


Questions from Han Song

Q1.Hello, Mr. Castro. I know that you were born in 1950. I want to know which year did you start writing? Could you please tell us something about the source of your literary creation over the years? In other words, what do you think is the important quality for a writer to write a good work?


A1. I started writing when I was in school. I.E. About 15 or 16. I was very depressed since my parents were in the Hong Kong and I never went home. I first won a prize at Sydney University with my short story Estrellita. Since then I have always been blessed in the sense that winning prizes is the opposite of selling well. Without prizes I would be unknown.People got to know my work through the prizes.The source of my creation is various:sadness,love,memory and appreciation. In other words,it is emotional to a degree,never theoretical.


Q2. What do you think reading means for writing novels, especially reading novels?


A2. Reading is the most important thing. One can not write out of a vacuum.You have in your head and then you start to absorb them and then after that you find your own style.


Q3. Haruki Murakami(村上春树) from Japan was born in 1949, do you read his works?Do you read modern Chinese (1912— )writers?If yes, could you tell me which Chinese writers you like best and why?


A3.I don’t read Murakami because I actually don’t bond with his style.The Chinese writers I like best are Han Shaogong.Who has been a great inspiration to me.


And Lu Xun’s short stories.I am less inspired by modern or contemporary writers.The test of time is the greatest test.



Q4.Could you talk about your writing in the past year? For example, what books have you written and what are your writing plans for this year? Will you plan to write have prose in the future ?


A4.I am in the process of writing a series of short stories.It is funny but I started as a short story writer.I like the form since I don`t like novels that are too long and dragged out.I enjoy the short piece of writing.It frees me up.It tells the truth much better in different voices.


Q5.Could I know which city do you live in? How has the coronavirus outbreak affected the lives of people in your city? With more than one million people infected globally, would you consider reflecting on this epidemic in your writing?


A5.I live in the Adelaide Hills outside of Adelaide.As I said before,I do not like big cities. I like the country.The virus has not reached me,thank goodness. I don`t go out very much,except I ride my bicycle through the countryside.Yes,my short story book is dealing with the epidemic.Remember that Boccaccio did the same thing during the time of the great plague(1348). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Decameron



.I hope to publish your collected works in China. Thank you.


A6.Thank you so much. I appreciate your interest in my work and also Lili`s faith in it to disseminate it to Chinese readers.Thank you once again.


澳大利亚作家Brian Castro

作家所在城市阿德莱德的动漫中心(Adelaide Comic Centre),这里有不少动漫图书

Books written by Brian Castro(portion)

Shanghai Dancing

Shanghai Dancing作者: Brian Castro出版社: Kaya Pres出版年: 2009定价: $18.95

装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781885030429


《上海舞》作者: 布赖恩·卡斯特罗出版社: 上海译文出版社译者: 王光林出版年: 2010-10页数: 420定价: 35.00元丛书: 当代澳大利亚小说译丛ISBN: 9787532751860




After China2003




作者: Brian Castro出版社: Giramondo Publishing出版年: 2009-5页数: 374定价: $29.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781920882556

The Bath Fugues is Castro at his best, in a wonderful performance wrought from intrigue, romance, deception – and comedy. The book is composed of three interwoven novellas, the first centred on an ageing art forger; the second on a Portuguese poet, opium addict and collector; the third told by a well-connected doctor, with a cabinet of venom, and an art gallery on the north Queensland coast.Around these characters circle others, in the contrapuntal manner of the fugue suggested by the book’s title. Some are related, some fugitive, some like the essayist Montaigne, the poet Baudelaire or the philosopher Benjamin, enter the story from the past.Motifs recur – baths, bicycles, clocks, addiction, the counterfeit – deepening the lines of association and inheritance which bind their lives, and giving weight to the friendships thrust upon them.



作者: John Young / Brian Castro出版社: A+A Publishing原作名: Macau Days出版年: 2017-12页数: 187定价: AUD 44.99装帧: HardcoverISBN: 9780995392526

Birds of Passage

Birds of Passage

作者: Castro,Brian出版社: Sirus Press出版年: 1983页数: 157装帧: 平装ISBN: 9780207161483

Birds of Passage (originally titled Solitude) is Castro's first novel and is the joint winner (with Nigel Krauth) of The Australian/Vogel Literary Award. It interweaves two narratives, that of a Chinese Lo Yun Shan who comes to Australia from Kwangtung (Guangdong) in the 1850s gold rushes, and a contemporary Australian, Seamus O'Young, who is of Chinese descent. Seamus discovers an old journal written by Shan, and as he translates this journal his own life becomes increasingly entwined with that of Shan. Just as Shan was driven from the goldfields by depravity, racism and sheer greed (of Australian whites), so Seamus finds himself, a century later, fighting for his own life and sanity. This novel investigates questions of identity, specifically in terms of "translation" between cultures. Our selection is taken from the first chapter of the novel with some adaptation. Castro's postmodern style of writing enables him to travel in time and space in depicting his characters and conveying the themes of his novels.


作者: 布赖恩·卡斯特罗出版社: 青岛出版社译者: 李尧丛书: 李尧译文集ISBN: 9787555263715


The Garden Book

The Garden Book 作者: Brian Castro



出版社: 花山文艺出版社

原作名: The Garden Book

译者: 马丽莉 白文革

出版年: 2018-6

页数: 262定价: 28.00元装帧: 平装ISBN: 9787551137904

Street to Street(中文版正在翻译)

Street to Street(中文版正在翻译)作者: Brian Castro页数: 184ISBN: 978145964919


Blindness and Rage: A Phantasmagoria

作者: Brian Castro


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