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今日一詞 Infodemic



Addressing the Munich Security Conference on Feb 15, 2020, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “we're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic.”

在2020年2月15日慕尼黑安全會議上,世衛組織總幹事譚德賽(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)博士說:“我們不僅僅是在抗擊流行病;我們同時是在抗擊信息疫情造成的恐慌。”

From epidemic to “infodemic;” that’s how the World Health Organization is characterizing the sudden rise of misinformation related to the coronavirus. “False information about the virus itself is spread faster than the virus,” said Andrew Pattison, a digital content manager for the World Health Organization, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland. “It’s got into more people’s lives and infected more people than the virus itself.”

從流行病到“信息疫情”;世界衛生組織用這個新名詞來描述冠狀病毒相關的錯誤信息和謠言的突然增加。總部位於瑞士日內瓦的世界衛生組織(WorldHealth Organization)數字內容負責人安德魯·帕蒂森(Andrew Pattison)說:“關於病毒本身的虛假信息傳播速度比病毒傳播速度更快。”。“它進入了更多人的生活,感染的人比病毒本身還多。”