
beat,hit strike

beat vt.&vi. 指反覆打擊,但不表明打的多重或用什麼打。指有意的舉動。

Before liberation that land lrd used to beat farmhands.

Occasionally the master beat the table with his heavy ruler as he cried,"Silence,please ,silence!


The American 's heart beat faster.

“打鼓”,“打拍子”應分別譯成“beat a drum”,"beat time",因為強調連續的動作。

hit vt.&vi. 指有目標地重重一擊,側重“擊中”的意思。

He was going to hit Mustapha in the face.

North China was hit by an unexpecred heavy rain which caused severe flooding.

strike vt.&vi.是一般用語“打”用途廣泛。它也指用拳頭或重物“拍”、“打”,與pound同義。

Strike while the iron is hot.

The branches broke his fall but he struck the ground heavily.


打某人一頓應譯為“beat a person”,“beat sb. up”或"give sb. a beating", 不能用hit或
