

Unit 1 Living well


2.suitable adj.適合的;適宜的

3. beneficial adj. 有益的,受益的

4.out of breath 上氣不接下氣

5.make fun of 取笑

6.in other words 換句話說

7.adapt to 適合;適應

8. cut out 切掉,省略;停止(做某事)

9.annoyed 生氣的;惱怒的

10.all in all 總而言之

11.in many ways 在很多方面

12.conduct n.行為;品行v.進行;指揮

13.resign v.辭職

14. as well as 和;既.....又

15.adequate adj.足夠的,充分的

16.access n.(接近的)方法;通路

17.meet with遇到;經歷

18.congratulate v. 祝賀;慶賀


1.I have a very busy life with no time to sit around________(feel) sorry for myself.


2.Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full _____ life as you do.


3.Does this disability make ____difficult for them to do some things.


Unit 2 Robots

1. desire n/v渴望,想要

2.test out 考驗

3.alarm. v.使警覺;驚動 n. 警報

4.sympathy 同情心

5.favor 喜愛;恩惠 v. 喜愛;偏愛

6.accompany v, 陪伴;伴奏

7.declare v.宣佈;宣稱

8.staff 全體員工

9.junior adj.較年幼的;資歷淺的

10.talent n.天才;天賦

11.divorce v.與......離婚;與...脫離

12.obey v.服從,順從

13. leave...alone 不管,不打擾

14. set aside 將...放在一邊;省出,抽出

15. ring up 打電話

16. turn around 轉向

17. in all 一共,總計

18. be bound to do sth 一定做...


1.As she turned around, there _______(stand) Gladys Claffern.


2.You cannot have women ________(fall) in love with machines


3.His name was Tony and he seemed _________like a human than a machine.


Unit3 Under the sea

1. annual 每年的 n. 年刊

2. witness v.目擊;見證 n.目擊者,證人

3. pause 暫停

4. drag 拖,拉

5. urge 催促

6. abandon 遺棄,放棄

7. target 目標;靶子

8.reflect v.反映,反射,思考

9.the Antarctic 南極洲

10.help out 幫助(某人)擺脫困難或危難

11. be/become aware of意識到……

12.neat 整齊的,整潔的

13.scare 恐嚇,驚嚇

14. (be) scared to death 嚇死了

15. upside down 上下翻轉過來

16. reflect on/upon sth.認真思考,反思


1.As we drew closer, I could see a whale ________(attack)by a pack of about six other killers.

2.I had already heard that George didn’t like __________(keep) waiting.

3.The fish didn't seem to mind me _________(swim)among them.

4.It was the_________(fantastic) thing I have ever done.

Unit 4 Sharing

1. hear from 收到到…..的信

2. (be) dying to do極想;渴望

3. the other day 不久前的一天

4.relevant 有關的;切題的

5. dry out (使浸水等之物)完全變幹;幹

6. in need 在困難中;在危急中

7.adjust 調整,使適合

8.participate v.參與,參加

9.otherwise conj.否則,不然adv.其他方面

10.donate v.捐贈

11.voluntary 自願的;無償的

12.purchase v/n 買;購買

13.click 點擊

14.distribute v.分發,發配

15.operate v.工作,運轉;操作

16. dry up (指河流,井等)乾涸


1.To be honest, I doubt ________ I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.

2.Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of _______will go back to their villages.

3.Tombe's father,Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass _______(stick) out of the roof.

Unit 5 Traveling abroad

1. adjust to 適應;

2. fit in 相適應;相融合

3. keep it up 堅持下去

4. settle in安頓下來

5. occupy 佔用;佔據

6. be occupied with忙於某事

7. recommend 推薦;建議

8. feel at home 感覺自在;

9.comfort n.舒適;安慰v.安慰

10.substitute n.替代品 v.用......代替

11.draft n.草稿 v.草擬

12.acknowledge v.承認;答謝

13.contradict v.反駁;駁斥

14.day in and day out 日復一日

15.abundant adj.豐富的,富裕的

16.govern v.統治,管理

17.out of the question 不可能的

18. as far as one is concerned就..而言


1.It was the first time she ________(leave) her motherland.


2.But I was also very nervous as I didn't know what _________(expect).


3.I have been so occupied with work _________ I haven't had time for social activities.


Unit 1 A land of diversity

1.by means of 用……方法;藉助……

2.boom n/v (人口、貿易)繁榮

3.occur v 發生,出現

4.take in 吸收;收留;欺騙

5.a great/good many 許多,很多

6.indicate v.表明;暗示

7. make a life習慣於新的生活方式工作等

8. keep up 堅持;沿襲(風俗、傳統)

9.slip v.滑動;滑行

10.team up with 與……合作或一起工作

11.mark out 劃線;標出……界線

12.hire n/v. 租用,僱傭

13. live on 靠...生活;以......為主食

14.nowhere 無處;到處都無

15.reform 改革

16. back to back 背靠背

18. apply for 申請

1._________(build) in 1873, the cable car was invented by Andrew Hallidie.

2.However, it is likely ________Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.

然而,可能至少在15 000年前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亞了。

3.Exactly when the first people arrived in _______we now know as California, no one really knows.

Unit 2 Cloning

1. cast(cast-cast)扔,投,擲

cast down 使失望;使沮喪

2. object v反對 n.物體,目標

3. in favor of 贊成,支持

4. obtain獲得

5. from time to time 不時,偶爾

6. bring back to life 使復生

7. pay off 得到回報;取得成功;償清

8. vain 虛榮的;徒勞的

in vain 白費力氣,徒勞

9. pass on …to 將......傳遞給......

10.bother 打擾


12.retire 退休

13.strike 打擊;撞擊;敲(響)罷工

strike...into one’s heart使...刻骨銘心14. resist 抵抗;忍住

15.in good/poor condition狀況很好(差)


1.Then ______(come) the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.


2.The chance is ______ our team will finish at the top, as our remaining matches aren't too difficult.


3._______(base) on we know now, you cannot clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years.

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

1. now and then 偶爾;有時

2. get rid of 擺脫,除去

3. set about doing sth開始;著手

4. set out to do sth開始(做)

5. set out to do 開始(做)

6. seize v.抓住;奪取

7. in truth 事實上

8. out of order 次序顛倒;發生故障

9. get through 接通電話;做完;通過

10. ring back 回覆電話

11. call up 給……打電話

12. dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入

13. hang on / hold on 不掛斷;緊緊握住;稍等

14. ring off/hang up 掛斷電話

15. out of order 次序顛倒;發生故障

16. file n.文件;檔案v.提交;將...歸檔


18.tap v.輕打,輕拍;n.輕輕的敲擊聲


1.It is difficult to get new ideas ________(accept) unless they are truly novel.

2.Scientists believe human cloning is just ______matter of time.

3.But once_______(pick)up, the snakes tried to bite me.

Unit 4 Pygmalion

1.classify v.把.....分類

2. remark n/v 談論,評論

3. condemn v.譴責;使處於不幸的狀態

4. make one’s acquaintance 結識

5. in term of 從……角度來講

6. show …in 帶或領……進來

7. generally speaking一般來說

8. once more 再一次

9. in need of… 需要……

10.compromise n/v 妥協,折衷

11.overlook v.俯視;忽視,不理會

12. fade v.(使)褪色;減弱;逐漸消失

fade out (聲音,畫面)逐漸模糊,漸淡


Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.


1.While_______(watch),he takes notes.

2.The question ___________ (settle), they left for home.

Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors

1.interrupt v.打斷,中斷

2. regardless of 不管;不顧

3. cut up 切碎

4. look ahead 向前看;為未來打算

5. be fed up with 受夠了,厭煩

6. date back to 追溯到

7.assume 假設,假定

8. look ahead 向前看

9. at most 至多,最多


1.He hurried to the theatre, only________(tell) that the tickets had been sold out.

2.It is_________delight to meet you students from England, who are interested in archaeology.

3.It ____________ (rain) for three hours and there is no sign of stopping.