10個荒謬的健康神話——NO.5 吃辛辣的食物有助於減肥



NO.5 吃辛辣的食物有助於減肥




If you’re trying to lose weight, chances are that you’ve heard of pretty much every possible fix under the Sun. From drinking warm water before bed to sacrificing to the gods, the ridiculousness of these pieces of advice depends on who’s giving them to you.

Per scientific research, though, one of those is less ridiculous than the rest and may even actually work: eating spicy food. In a study by researchers from the University of Wyoming, they isolated a chemical found in chilies called capsaicin and fed it to mice. When they raised the rodents’ fat intake, they found that the mice were unable to gain weight, as long as the chemical was in effect.

When you eat spicy foods, especially chilies, the capsaicin in it raises the metabolism rate and triggers thermogenesis, which is just a fancy word for the production of heat inside the body. Essentially, it works the same way as old wives’ tales say it does—by burning the fat away—except now it’s backed by peer-reviewed research rather than hearsay.
