
Comment #5: 裂解液成分有问题

回复:We are very sorry for the mistake. Lentivirus-transduced cells were washed twice with PBS, and suspended in a lysis buffer (2% mercaptoethanol, 20% glycerol, and 4% SDS, in 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 6.8). The information for the lysis buffer has been corrected in the materials and methods.










举个栗子:Comment #6: 文章需要补充正常皮肤作对照

回复:Indeed, it will be more convincing if we get a comparative assessment on normal keratinocytes. However, the normal skin cell line TE353.SK that we recently obtained could not be cultured stably under the condition of our lab at this time. We are also collecting human tissue samplesfrom patients with primary melanoma and benign nevi.

Based on our data, XXX expression will be analyzed in clinical samples by immunohistochemistry, andthe correlation between XXX expression and the prognosis of melanoma will bedetermined in our subsequent investigations. Therefore, the referee’s concernis of importance for our further study, and we will show the results in our next paper for XXX.




举个栗子,Comment #7: 文章需要补充动物实验

回复:We are appreciative of the reviewer’s suggestion. Indeed, it will be more profound if we get there levant results in vivo. We have purchased 10 thymus- BALB/c nude mice(female, age 4-6 weeks) from the Animal Center of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. XXX tumor were established in nude mice according to a previous report (我们去买了若干只小鼠,按照文献的方法操作). Briefly, …(实验操作方法).

Unfortunately, the tumours could not grow after inoculation for three weeks(满怀欣喜的接种到动物身上,然而实验这东西,哪能一遍就成呢,我们做了一遍,结果没能成瘤,实在是悲剧了). The limitation of technical condition may be the main reason. Also, we doubt that the cell viability could be insufficient to initiateosteosarcoma tumorigenesis in vivo due to the long-distance transport.Therefore, we seek for the editor’s tolerance and understanding. Many thanks for your kind help!

举个栗子,Comment #8: 文章需要补充某个具体实验

回复:“We understand that…(要补充的实验)maybetter reveal the…However, in the presentstudy, we mainly focused on…(本文研究重点), andwe think that…(已有的实验)may not beoptimal, but should be sufficient to draw a conclusion that…(研究得出的结论)”或者“The…(某个实验)underinvestigation in our laboratory. Unfortunately, results are unavailable at thispoint.”

4)有时候,补充实验结果真的没那么重要,也可以在最后的Discussion里淡化这方面的讨论,并回答审稿人“We agree with the reviewer, and have toned down our conclusions.”


