
一句话瑜伽,第155期Melissa:当我们尝试新事物或争取成长时,怀疑会慢慢滋生。Doubt tends to creep in when we are trying new things or striving for growth.

怀疑的目的是让我们免受伤害,让我们免于不舒服,Doubt's goal is to keep us safe from harm, to keep us from being uncomfortable.

但这并不表示我们会因为追求令人兴奋和伟大的事情而失败。but it is not an indication that we will fail in our endeavors for something exciting and great.

这是一种本能反应,一种习惯,而不是结果。It is a reaction, a habit, not a reality.

当我们学会承认怀疑时,明白它到底是什么,When we learn to recognize doubt, acknowledge it for what it is.

但不要让它限制或控制我们,我们可以超越我们认为已经放在我们周围的边界。but not let it limit or control us we can grow beyond the boundaries we believe have been placed around us.

那就是当心灵和思想扩展到推动我们前进到未知和无限的深渊之时。That is when the heart and mind expand to propel us forward into the unknown and limitless abyss.

它有可能带来学习,成长,连接,丰富,冒险和爱的潜能。that has the potential to bring learning, growth, connection,abundance,adventure,and love.

