



根据西班牙巴塞罗那大学(Universitat de Barcelona)的心理学研究科斯塔教授的研究表明,当人们使用非母语的第二语言进行推理测试时,与使用母语进行测试的人相比,用非母语测试人犯的错误会更少。科斯塔教授表明:“用外语测试时,人们在评估风险时似乎需要更多的心里距离。”这也表明了用外语评估风险时,对他们的情绪影响会更小。也就是说,当你使用外语时,你的大脑必须要更努力的工作!这种现象也被称为“外语效应”。

According to research by Albert Costa, a research professor of psychology at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain, when people take reasoning tests in a non-native language, they tend to make fewer mistakes than people doing the same tests in their native language.

“In a foreign language, people seem to take more psychological distance when assessing risks,” says Costa. “They have a lesser emotional impact and engage in a more analytical mind process.”

Costa and his team speculate that this “foreign language effect”, as they call it, is tied to the emotional distance some people feel when speaking a foreign language. The causes are not clear, but it might have to do with the contexts in which you use it. For instance, “if you use it with friends, in relevant situations, you will have a greater emotional engagement with it”, Costa says.


Analytical [ænə'lɪtɪk(ə)l] adj. 分析的、解析的、善于分析的。




While at first glance, negotiating in a language other than your mother tongue might seem a disadvantage, it could also make you the most cool-headed person in the room.

“Many people feel insulted when they are negotiating,” says Costa. “If we could have a more relaxed approach, things would be better. Speaking a foreign language allows you to buy time in a negotiation. You can act like you have not understood for thinking your answer.”

This is exactly the sort of trick expert international negotiators such as diplomats and business people often employ. Not being a very fluent speaker can also be useful as a strategy to ‘sell yourself short’ and appear as less smart than you really are. This is a move that might make your opponent fail to cover all their bases and give you an unexpected advantage.

So, next time you know you need to have a difficult discussion with a colleague, it might be better to do it in a foreign language.


Negotiation [nɪgəʊʃɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] n. 谈判、转让、顺利的通过。

Opponent [ə'pəʊnənt] n. adj. 对手、反对者、敌手、对立的、敌对的。




Being bilingual and working in a non-native language makes you a different worker, not necessarily a worse or better one. If your job needs you to be a quick-witted and accurate communicator, another language most likely makes thing more difficult. But if your work calls for a slow, rational and detached mind, using a foreign tongue gives you a small push.


Rational ['ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] adj. n. 合理的、理性的、有理数。






